What concerns me here is the OP doesn't know what the saw blade is called - 'discs'? That implies a lack of overall knowledge about the use and (most importantly) safety issues associated with a table saw. I would suggest the OP correct this - books, reliable videos (many US youtube videos show table saws being used without the top guard) or if possible some practical tuition. These are not forgiving machines.
Many thanks for your very gifted advice . I am probably as English as you are having been born in Winchester and that one side of my family name is on the stonework in the small Norman church in the village of Whitchurch which has sat there for just over 1000 years and where my family and ancestors have lived for a fairly long time
I simply moved to Spain in 1999 to raise my children in a different culture so that they would understand the world slightly better than most british children do when they came of age. I could foresee what was happening to the UK back in 1996 and made plans then having had the advantage of working in the City of London at No. 1 Lime St, London EC3M 7HA for many years. I chose to work in the city despite a qualification and several years at University because Brokers earned a hell of a lot more than Engineers in the 80's. I sort of dabbled a bit in Stocks/Shares, Banking and Insurance which is why in my late 30's I was able to move here lock, stock and barrel with my family to avoid turning into someone I didn't like. It was far better being able to walk with my kids to school everyday and be there for them in the insane amount of holidays that the kids get here.
I was fortunate enough that my "dabbling" meant I was able to fund our house and fairly simplistic lifestyle here while retaining property back in the UK for our autumnal years here in my 60's which is now, since I retired when we moved to Spain in 1999 I had a need to continue to work and I have spent a considerable amount of my time assisting young people into starting small businesses over here where they are able to provide services to both Spanish and English speaking residents although of the latter there are none in my village but a stone's throw away will find Sitges which is a truly cosmopolitan and somewhat hedonistic gay town with residents from all over Europe including a few from the UK who make normally no attempt whatsoever in learning the the language of the country they are living in. I guess a bit like most of the immigrants in the UK I guess.
I take a great delight in helping people by education and the rewards it gives me far outstrips any pecuniary advantage I might incur. Now, I simply make children's educational toys so that my wife who specialises in teaching SEN children here in Spain can use them to help her with some of the children in her charge.
Its quite amazing actually how many kids just love a wooden toy over some plastic alternative. A simple pull along duck or wooden puzzle is just the ticket my wife whose Scottish by the way of 40 years tells me.
I have done that for many years and over the last couple I have wound down the business work to take up full time my hobbies of engineering my first love and carpentry which my wife loves , actually I also build CNC machines for clients here, mainly lasers but also the odd CNC water cooled spindles ( a bit hot here for air cooled ) using 3 and 4 axis controllers , in fact the photo attached is a laser I am just finishing which is a 160 Watt 2.2 metre C02 Laser being driver by a Reci tube with Cloudray mirrors and optics. It is actually able to clean cut through marine ply at 15mm width in one pass and on Cast Acrylic at 20 mm as well.
I'll move on from the P***ing contest shall I ? I feel I have probably established my credentials sufficiently.
By the way I better just add that I am also bilingual in English, Spanish, Catalan with passable French and a smattering of German thrown in for good measure. On the odd occasion that it might be needed here although the Germans have not yet invaded Barcelona sadly though on the Balearics it is a different kettle of fish or Sauerkraut where they seem to have totally taken over and turned Mallorca in to a new German colony.
Now when I type and read in various languages sometimes I actually might forget to use the right translated word or in some cases use the exact translation which is what I did in this case. Saw Blades in Spanish is actually "Discos de Sierra" I guess I could go further and describe the type of machine which is what we would do in Spanish but not English and of which the literal translation is "Saw Disk" My use of the word disk "implies nothing about a lack of overall knowledge" so I will offer my sincerest apologies if this offended you in some way and led you to believe that I have absolutely no experience whatsoever in doing anything other that wiping my bum for the last nearly 62 years.
Sarcasm they do say is actually the lowest form of wit but I think personally it can be incredibly useful. I naively thought that I would ask for some simple advice on push sticks but it would appear with your goodself that I have somehow offended, perhaps in an earlier life or alter ego as clearly you believed that I was some illiterate Spanish numpty daring to join a English Woodworking Forum with no understanding at all of anything other than Football, Sangria and Chicas. (girls)
I believe someone in a earlier post suggested about making assumptions and how it makes an ASS out of YOU and ME.
I feel I have chagrined or if you like castigated you sufficiently and perhaps should doff my Sombrero (Flat cap) to your many years of forum experience here and perhaps let's notch this up to a misunderstanding and that we can both learn from this simple play on words and take away a lesson from here in never making assumptions!
My very best wishes
N Scott MEng. CEng. FCII
Barcelona España oops Spain.

There I go again....
I also do not like being referred to as OP I know technically it is a way of identifying the original poster but I prefer to take the trouble to actually read and use the name of the person of whom I am writing about. I just love the formalities but rarely use my post nominal letters.
There is another clue that I am English and that is the picture for my "avatar" or membership badge which is me sitting in my English registered Westfield Sportscar, I think the number plate is showing. That may just give it a way a bit more.