Established Member
I wonder how much it costs to stop him from talking? I'm starting a fund.
I wonder how much it costs to stop him from talking? I'm starting a fund.
El Barto":3g83yuaz said:With respect fellas, taking the driving/distance out of the equation, £30 for a two hour talk seems pretty reasonable to me. Maybe you'll come away with some new insight, maybe not, but it seems the price you believe a highly skilled and respected woodworker's time is worth is unrealistic. And that goes for anyone of that calibre, not just Paul Sellers. My two cents anyway.
NickN":3nkqji8k said:El Barto":3nkqji8k said:With respect fellas, taking the driving/distance out of the equation, £30 for a two hour talk seems pretty reasonable to me. Maybe you'll come away with some new insight, maybe not, but it seems the price you believe a highly skilled and respected woodworker's time is worth is unrealistic. And that goes for anyone of that calibre, not just Paul Sellers. My two cents anyway.
With equal respect in return, I happen to think that a highly skilled woodworker's time is worth considerably more than £15 an hour, and I would and have happily paid closer to £25 an hour for practical tuition. But two things make this event a non-starter for me, one, it's at least six hours of my time and three gallons of fuel used, making that a far higher cost, and two, it's not practical based but a talk (and with the work I do I'm pretty bad at staying awake for talks and lectures, give me hands on any day).
Actually I'm a bit surprised he hasn't offered a paid for live streaming version, given how internet savvy his organisation appears to be.
Jacob":q8vmab71 said:Can't see 2 hours of lecture being worth £30 (and a day trip) unless he's got something magic up his sleeve which seems unlikely.
Maybe it's all gone to his head - I hope he's not trying to be a bit of a pop star! Won't be throwing my knickers!
Woss appened to our Dave he used to post a lot promoting his courses - sharpening etc. has he retired?
Sharpening weekend, £250: I presume that includes accommodation, all meals, free beer, massage, use of the pool and the billiard room and 24 hour room service?Beau":3bynf6dg said:Jacob":3bynf6dg said:Can't see 2 hours of lecture being worth £30 (and a day trip) unless he's got something magic up his sleeve which seems unlikely.
Maybe it's all gone to his head - I hope he's not trying to be a bit of a pop star! Won't be throwing my knickers!
Woss appened to our Dave he used to post a lot promoting his courses - sharpening etc. has he retired?
Looks like he still has plenty on http://www.davidcharlesworth.co.uk/course-dates/
Jacob":1uikv9ie said:Sharpening weekend, £250: I presume that includes accommodation, all meals, free beer, massage, use of the pool and the billiard room and 24 hour room service?Beau":1uikv9ie said:Jacob":1uikv9ie said:Can't see 2 hours of lecture being worth £30 (and a day trip) unless he's got something magic up his sleeve which seems unlikely.
Maybe it's all gone to his head - I hope he's not trying to be a bit of a pop star! Won't be throwing my knickers!
Woss appened to our Dave he used to post a lot promoting his courses - sharpening etc. has he retired?
Looks like he still has plenty on http://www.davidcharlesworth.co.uk/course-dates/
Jacob":1tjrh0if said:Sharpening weekend, £250: I presume that includes accommodation, all meals, free beer, massage, use of the pool and the billiard room and 24 hour room service?Beau":1tjrh0if said:Jacob":1tjrh0if said:Can't see 2 hours of lecture being worth £30 (and a day trip) unless he's got something magic up his sleeve which seems unlikely.
Maybe it's all gone to his head - I hope he's not trying to be a bit of a pop star! Won't be throwing my knickers!
Woss appened to our Dave he used to post a lot promoting his courses - sharpening etc. has he retired?
Looks like he still has plenty on http://www.davidcharlesworth.co.uk/course-dates/
Jacob":1lq95yay said:Sharpening weekend, £250: I presume that includes accommodation, all meals, free beer, massage, use of the pool and the billiard room and 24 hour room service?Beau":1lq95yay said:Jacob":1lq95yay said:Can't see 2 hours of lecture being worth £30 (and a day trip) unless he's got something magic up his sleeve which seems unlikely.
Maybe it's all gone to his head - I hope he's not trying to be a bit of a pop star! Won't be throwing my knickers!
Woss appened to our Dave he used to post a lot promoting his courses - sharpening etc. has he retired?
Looks like he still has plenty on http://www.davidcharlesworth.co.uk/course-dates/
It's also worth working those numbers through in terms of subtracting costs (heating, lighting, kit, public liability insurance, the fact it probably includes VAT - which the teacher doesn't get to keep, and then business related taxes).meccarroll":59y12xna said:I agree Jacob £250 does at first sight seem a lot of money to learn how to sharpen your tools and I would not like to have to pay it myself (I do the job for a living) but it is a pretty standard charge for two days tuition by a privately run school. These charges are very much in line with what a local college might also charge but privately run schools often take fewer students on each course so there is more time for one to one learning during the course. It is just the norm Jacob, these courses are all pretty much the same price. I think the main thing to look for is a detailed breakdown of the course content, class size and any additional costs that might be charged.
Happy finish sir?iNewbie":59y12xna said:Lathering you up in 3-in-1 might cost a bit more on the massage front.
sploo":2l1165ji said:If you earned £100 per day (after all costs and taxes), worked 5 days per week, and factored in losing 4 weeks to holiday and illness, that's only £24,000 per year. Hardly rolling in it. Of course, you'd have to then charge a lot more than £100 day in order to make £100 per day after costs. Even more if you weren't earning every week day of every week.
Or would you be better off spending the money just buying a load of wood and getting stuck in?Peter Sefton":mpwq1fk8 said:.....
Finally and probably most importantly, do you think you would enjoy being taught by the tutor i.e., do you want to spend forty hours with this person?
Cheers Peter
Wizard9999":30ru18ls said:I see you are pretty new Teroo (no offence intend, just observation). It won't take you long to realise Jacob simply does this as some sort of twisted sport. Best to ignore as witout oxygen a fire will die.
Peter Sefton":1eegpu4k said:I think when assessing a course it is worth considering a few factors which may affect your expectation or experience.
Basically these people should be paying for the advertising - this is a forum for woodworkers , not salesmen.MrTeroo":rumku1s9 said:Wizard9999":rumku1s9 said:I see you are pretty new Teroo (no offence intend, just observation). It won't take you long to realise Jacob simply does this as some sort of twisted sport. Best to ignore as witout oxygen a fire will die.
I don't have a prejudiced view. I've no idea about the quality of these courses. I just get a bit brassed off with endless self promotion and free advertising.PAC1":2jftg2qd said:Jacob, the thread was started by someone asking which course was best. The course providers only commented when asked direct questions or bated by you. To now suggest they should not be allowed to defend themselves from your prejudiced views is the height of hypocrisy.
Earlier you suggested people should not go on their courses. Yet even you had training of some sort whether that was indentured apprenticeship or a TOPS course I do not know nor care but to suggest people should not seek out training for our trade is again hypocrisy.
I know it is best not to bite, on your bating but on behalf of those course providers, the record needed stating clearly.
I have friends who run their own (small) businesses, so I frequently hear the "I don't make much money" line :wink: (but to be fair they do back it up with realistic cost examples)Mr T":3g9brkbm said:That's a reasonable calculation Sploo. Most course providers do not teach solidly all week every week. Preparation for a course can take a few days to start with, then there is time taken developing new courses and all the numerous admin type jobs that need to be done. So I actually teach no more than 13 days per month, but I'm still busy even though my business is now devoted to teaching.
Practice is absolutely key - going to a weekend (or even a week) course isn't suddenly going to make you any good. However, I tend to find that a good course (be it woodworking or something entirely unrelated) tends to give me a few "take home" messages - techniques or examples that really gel; things that answer a question or correct a technique issue. The kind of thing where you could spend years struggling with something, when it really just took an experienced practitioner to watch you do something (incorrectly) and give you some advice.Jacob":3g9brkbm said:Or would you be better off spending the money just buying a load of wood and getting stuck in?
If you have spent more on courses and tools rather than wood, you haven't really begun.
Procrastination will butter no parsnips!