Based on reading on here I decided to buy a couple of Japanese morticing chisels to try out on a Sedgwick mortiser which I inherited and has sat in the workshop corner for a hundred years.
The issue seems to be though that the shafts of the drill bit part of the chisel is too long for the Sedgwick.
Is this a common problem or have I just bought the wrong damn mortice chisels? Added some side by side pictures of the new chisel next to an old blunt one, and as it sits in the machine.
The issue seems to be though that the shafts of the drill bit part of the chisel is too long for the Sedgwick.
Is this a common problem or have I just bought the wrong damn mortice chisels? Added some side by side pictures of the new chisel next to an old blunt one, and as it sits in the machine.