Established Member
The light in our oven stopped working a few years ago and I never got round to replacing it , oven works just the same as it always did and there is enough light in the kitchen to be able to see what is happening inside the oven without it. The one's in the fridge and the freezer are pointless unless you happen to be stumbling around in the dark for a midnight snack. Standby light on the telly why bother
what is it standing by to do, turn it on a second or two faster , if you can see a picture then its on if not it's off. All our outside lights bar one are small solar powered units with timers and built in pir's , they give plenty of light where needed for free and work just as well in the darker winter months, The one at the front of the garage is a more powerful 10watt mains powered led so the love of my life knows just what she has backed into again 

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