Wet Saturday afternoon..


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Thanks,Pete - yes it is that colour;mine was from Scottish Hardwoods,way up above Aberdeen.
I'm sure Chas said before that there is a similar (but different) species of elm down in the southwest - Exeter elm,I think it was - this may account for the difference in colour.

Here's some more Scottish elm,made while the thunderstorm was interrupting the Sky signal :-



125mm diameter,45mm high,waxed.Now you've got me thinking about it,the wax does darken the timber slightly,but not much.

PowerTool":2n1z4zcf said:
Here's some more Scottish elm,made while the thunderstorm was interrupting the Sky signal :-

Let me see if I understand this, you were holding a metal chisel against a metal rest which was attached to a big lump of metal while a thunderstorm was raging :?

Dom :)
DomValente":193mm7oz said:
Let me see if I understand this, you were holding a metal chisel against a metal rest which was attached to a big lump of metal while a thunderstorm was raging :?
Dom :)
It's OK Dom, Andrews safe, it's a down to earth hobby.
Well I can vouch for the thunder and lightning today in Darlington. I got caught up on High row with the wife and kids. All of us in T-Shirts :roll:

I'm following the wood turning threads with great interest as a friend gave me a wood lathe minus the motor. Seeing work like this really inspires me to get it sorted.

Another day of torrential thunderstorms and lost Sky reception :-



Sycamore,240mm diameter,50mm high,oiled.

Like that Andrew, the foot seems to lift the bowl off the table. Well done! Nice finish as well, sometimes it is better not to use a high gloss to finish a piece.
Nice piece Andrew :D
I like the shape.Looks a dark piece of Sycamore.I thought it was a lighter colour than shown in the piccys :?
Thanks for the comments Tam and Paul - in relation to the finish,it's Chestnut foodsafe oil,and I find all the oil finishes I've used darken the appearance of the timber to some degree.

Today I finally got round to trying to tidy up some of my reclaimed Brazilian timber,but again got interrupted by the weather,so..



Oak,130mm diameter,20mm high,finished in friction polish - wanted something reasonably hard-wearing to use it as a change-dish (somewhere to put the coins when you empty your pockets)

Got some timber de-nailed and stacked in the timber store :-

but still have some stacked up to dry out

and if anyone knows what type of timber this is,I would be most grateful


It's a)from Brazil b)red c)heavy d)incredibly hard (screws don't like it :( )

Oh,and e)free :D

Hi Andrew,
All turnings are great. I like the box, i have not turned any boxes yet (i think i am to scared coz i know i will make a mess).
If my box (when i do one ) looks half as good as your one i will be well pleased. What is the inside base coloured with?, this adds a nice look.
PowerTool":oo2n00pm said:


Black palmira,100mm square,40mm high,waxed (didn't fancy trying friction polish on those corners.. :wink: )


'Scuse me backtracking,
As I have been doing a lot of natural edge stuff and got fed up with everything being covered in bits of paper towel, (plus the danger of very bruised knuckles 8-[ )I tried using an old, soft, clean shoe brush. Put the polish on stationary and then buff with the shoe brush gently. Works a treat so should be OK for square objects as well. Make sure there is no boot polish on the brush or you may get unexpected finishes :lol:

Nice little tray Andrew :D
Could do with making something like that meself.

Bodrighy wrote
Make sure there is no boot polish on the brush or you may get unexpected finishes
Pete leaving some black polish on might be a good idea,to try and get that effect :wink:
Hope this is the right place for pictures, if not sorry.
Just finished the box, it is oak with a padauk top.

I like Padauk, everything gets so red, my hair as well. :oops:
Very nice stuff,Reg - the lighthouse looks great,but particularly like the ladybird on the box lid :D
And I agree with you on padauk - it's nice,but I've had it stain clothes before :(

This mornings piece (another chance to use smaller timber thanks to my recently-purchased type "F" jaws)



Olive ash,120mm diameter,60mm high,finished in melamine lacquer.

Very nice Andrew.
Whats this about F jaws and what chuck have you, I ask as I am about to get a chuck for Axminster's.
Hi Reg - I've got the Axminster K10 Clubman chuck,which comes with type "C" jaws - they need about a 70mm recess in the workpiece.
The Type "F" jaws only need a 38mm recess in the workpiece,so can be used on smaller diameter pieces.

Although I'm now seriously considering getting some spare mounting jaws,to save having to bolt/unbolt the jaws each time I want to change.
