Waste disposal


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Look at it from your local authority's position. They have statutory duties like social care and child protection. Things they have to do. Osborne slyly put in train a series of funding cuts which continued, they weren't allowed to increase council tax above government set thresholds. Councillors got the blame for service reductions forced on them by a small state ideology in central government, these were political choices. LAs do not have sustainable finance, after years of cuts, asset sales and using up reserves.

So if you are a council what do you do? Default on your statutory obligations or find ways to charge for anything that you don't have to do. You have to get some cash in. I doubt many elected representatives want to do any of this but their choices are limited. Write to your councillor, write to your MP, participate in campaigns and make sure you vote whenever you can.

And if you voted for a Conservative government or conservative councillors time after time, don't grumble, pay up proudly and say "this was an inevitable consequence of my choice". I did this.

Yes, Mrs Thatcher said that all Councils should raise their own revenue, and not rely on Central Government. She wanted a Country more like The United States. Then we found out she was mad.
Any local stables ? If you can organise your extraction to keep dust-generators separate from chippings then that gets rid of the bulky stuff. You could then do a Great Escape with the dust.
Any local stables ? If you can organise your extraction to keep dust-generators separate from chippings then that gets rid of the bulky stuff. You could then do a Great Escape with the dust.
You mean surreptitiously dropping it in the exercise yard? I try to do that, but my wife seems to be smarter than the ," goons' at Colditz.
You need a wood stove urgently.
Or people with horses, chickens etc may take it.
Horses can't have hardwood shavings, nor can rabbits etc, only chickens can have hardwood shavings.

I am in the slow process of building a briquette press from a log splitter because I have a massive amount of hardwood shavings in bags filling up my workshop. Disposal is a nightmare because it is high volume low weight.
You can use it for garden mulch and enriching the soil but not too much as it changes the pH etc.
Horses can't have hardwood shavings, nor can rabbits etc, only chickens can have hardwood shavings.

I am in the slow process of building a briquette press from a log splitter because I have a massive amount of hardwood shavings in bags filling up my workshop. Disposal is a nightmare because it is high volume low weight.
You can use it for garden mulch and enriching the soil but not too much as it changes the pH etc.
I didn't know that about chickens, but I'm betting there will be a lot fewer backyard chickens after 1st October.

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