For us ole scrotes, running becomes a danger to the more physical aspects of health, as the poor ole body begins to suffer the cumulative effects of all that ballistic thumping i' the joints. I know so many runners with bad ankles, knees, hips, backs, necks ..... . Some keep going but seem to end up either semi-crippled or reliant on not just one, not just two but three artificial knees, as they keep going after the initial instalment and wreck one so have to have another. (The NHS refuse to do fourths).
Part of the problem is that running is addictive - those endorphin highs. Add the pleasure of a sociable run and you need a running fix even more!
I liked running, especially in the group. It got done even when working silly hours in a job (spit) via an active lunch break group run or even runs to & from the workplace. But the joints said, "STOP!"
Luckily for me I like swimming and cycling too; and they're enough. Swimming in a group is a bit difficult (although see film "Men who Swim") but a group bike ride can be a very fine day or half day out, with a greater ability to talk (the downhills, even in a fast group) and more things seen in more places reached per event. There's also the traditional cafe stops at half way 'round, which can become happily riotous.
Both swimming and cycling are a lot kinder to the old body. Add a bit of basic gym and keep the joints & sinews more resilient too (with some more endorphin resulting an' all). Use it or lose it!