I was about to come this thread last week and say this or that about how slow our vaccine rollout is because we haven't been able to spin through the tiers in every state as fast as we'd like. But I saw last week that our rate is 1.3MM shots per day. In my estimation, that's still too slow, but a lot more shots than I'd have guessed.
Also, the news in our area is that nobody can get a shot unless they're a front line worker or nursing home resident, but both of my parents are vaccinated, as are my inlaws (they're not in homes) and I met a couple of people yesterday who were scheduled who were older but not meeting the tier one criteria. The news is just fatalistic here.
"only 38% of care home workers taking vaccine".
Read a little further at the end, the trump administration (certainly not trump, but people working for his admin) made a rule for private pharmacies administering shots here that they have to go to each location 3 times. Not because you need 3 shots, but because they figured after the first shot, people who were waiting to see what happened to others would get the shot the second time, and the third would wrap up everyone getting both shots at a given location.
Great, so what's the rate of uptake on the first and second shot so far? 38 becomes 80%. But that's only told at the very end after the touting of the 38% number at the beginning and obligatory waste of space interviewing people who aren't getting the shot to get the schadenfreude ammo (or to put it another way- get the dumbest answers out of the group and publish them so people can feel good about themselves "at least I'm not as dumb as that guy!!!". Reaction porn)