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My guess is that air travel, pubs, restaurants, public gatherings such as sports....will refuse people who have not been vaccinated.
My guess is that air travel, pubs, restaurants, public gatherings such as sports....will refuse people who have not been vaccinated.

Air travel, maybe in the short term but unlikely to last once this madness is over, the others, 100% never going to happen. Far too many chances for bad PR, invasion of privacy, not to mention to scope for fake vaccine certificates (already happening). It's also totally unnecessary.
This is not meant as a dig at anyone but I genuinely do not understand why anyone would not want to have the vaccine.
Myself and Mrs G are so much looking forward to having our second jab and will remain cautious.
There is no way of knowing the answer to this but I do wonder how big a part social media plays in people refusing to be vaccinated, I would hazard a guess and say it probably plays a very large part. Without social media would more people get the jab?
I don't know the percentages of people who were offered the jab and accepting it in the UK (by offered I mean those who are eligible in their own right and not those who were offered it when taking others to their appointments) I would hope it would be in the high 90's percentage wise.
I accept that nothing I say or do will convince others to have the jab and at the end of the day it is down to individual choice, what I will maintain is the fact that I do not understand the logic behind refusing it.
This is not meant as a dig at anyone but I genuinely do not understand why anyone would want to have the vaccine.
Myself and Mrs A are so much looking forward to not having our second jab and will remain cautious.
There is no way of knowing the answer to this but I do wonder how big a part social media plays in people rushing to be vaccinated, I would hazard a guess and say it probably plays a very large part. Without social media would less people get the jab?
I don't know the percentages of people who were offered the jab and refused it in the UK (by offered I mean those who are eligible in their own right and not those who were offered it when taking others to their appointments) I would hope it would be in the high 90's percentage wise.
I accept that nothing I say or do will convince others to refuse the jab and at the end of the day it is down to individual choice, what I will maintain is the fact that I do not understand the logic behind taking it.

I hope you can just take this for what it is.

People have different opinions and I respect your right to take a vaccine I hope you will accept and support my right not to.
@artie I absolutely accept your right to not want to take the vaccine, as I also accept everyone's decision regardless of what they decide.
I just don't understand why that is all.
My thought process is that if 100% of the population are vaccinated then the chances of dying from it are greatly reduced for everyone, I also believe that those who choose not to have the vaccination have a greater chance of contracting the Covid virus than those that have. I have no desire to contract the virus and have taken as many steps as I can to make sure I minimize that chance.
My failure to understand is a problem I shall have to live with for the rest of my life. those people who choose not to have the jab will also have to live with their decisions regardless if I or others think it is right or wrong.
Artie wrote: "This is not meant as a dig at anyone but I genuinely do not understand why anyone would want to have the vaccine."
I want to have it, because I believe that it will reduce the chances of my getting Covid 19, and possibly dying, but, even if I were to survive, using valuable medical resources. How on earth is that genuinely difficult to understand?
There's a woman from Fareham having her 15 minutes of fame on social media currently. She's been banned from Bournemouth hospital after filming empty corridors on a Saturday evening and claiming the pandemic is a huge hoax.

Meanwhile in a quarantined area of the hospital (quarantined for her safety!) covid wards are filled to capacity. I know this for a fact - my daughter has a very good friend who is a nurse there. A lot of those patients are frightened and fighting for breath. Some of them are comatose. Some of them are dying. And they're not all Rorschach expendables either - some of them are fit 40 or 50 year olds who just happen to be a bit more susceptible. And even if they were expendables, I think I'd rather die peacefully in my sleep like my dear old Mum did at the fine old age of 93, with all her marbles and beloved by her children and grandchildren, than isolated in a hospital ward, fighting for breath and surrounded by strangers - however compassionate and well meaning.

I'm booked in for my jab on Saturday and I'm very grateful to be offered it.
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Went out to local town today to deal with financial fallout from parent's covid. Pleased to see quite a few (other) grey haired individuals emboldened by recent jab(s) to go out again (in suitably masked and distanced fashion). Just like the slow increase in the amount of birdsong and catkins, a welcome hint of change in the air...
Well to update, I feel like crap. Slightly bunged up and very low level heat slightly above normal. Well that's what it feels like, it is about 1/2 deg above my norm. The worst bit is I feel like I fell out the window and landed on a cattle grid, funnily though the only bit that does not ache is where they jabbed me. Off to have a long hot raddox soak might help
My wife has had no after effects whatsoever, that was sixteen days ago, Oxford Astra Zeneca. I'm due mine on Tuesday next week. As far as I know, it'll be the Phizer Biontec.

Since it looks like we are going to comfortably meet the mid Feb target, anyone like to place a bet on restrictions being eased? My prediction is that within about 2 weeks we will be below 500 deaths per day and that puts us back into the realms of early November. I think we should start to see some movement pretty quickly when we get to those sorts of figures as it's going to be very hard to justify severe lockdown then as overall mortality will be back around or likely even below the 5 year average.
Since it looks like we are going to comfortably meet the mid Feb target, anyone like to place a bet on restrictions being eased? My prediction is that within about 2 weeks we will be below 500 deaths per day and that puts us back into the realms of early November. I think we should start to see some movement pretty quickly when we get to those sorts of figures as it's going to be very hard to justify severe lockdown then as overall mortality will be back around or likely even below the 5 year average.
I hope you are right.

But it may play out a bit longer with new variants.
Had mine yesterday, no problems at all. At least 6 people in our small village contracted the virus, they were all very poorly and said they wouldn't wish it on anyone, yet they weren't severe enough to be hospitalised, so imagine how bad those poor people are that are now in hospital gasping for breath. These are real people who are really sick, so its isn't social media persuading me and other like-minded people - it's reality. What social media is doing is spreading garbage about empty hospitals and vaccines that harm you and don't work.
Your second Jab Artie?
You're already at about 70 % there. Involuntarily. Fair play.
Without social media .. but there is social media Artie.
In the States most news channels have folded leading to a huge number of people getting their news off the internet. No joke.
I absolutely accept your right not too have (at least the second jab) but what I do find upsetting is the amount of people who will peddle rumour, heresay and blind ignorance as fact.
I'm in EN10 and subject to cursory testing due to 'South Africa etc etc' . Good. I support it. I stuck a swab onmy tonsils yesterdays and threw up. Then stuck it up my hoooter. It made my eyes water and swear to kill some c***. Proper rage. Not good with that stuff. But I did it.

I see the Nurses on tv in bits after 12 hour shifts. I go to pick my kids up 3 days from school and the same div mums are 'still' there outside the gates. No masks. These are the 'key workers' who pick the kids up in their fookin pyjamas. And the school says nowt in case the inflame tensions in the traveller community. With all their key workers. lol Does anyone even care it's mental? Apparently not.

Good luck Artie. Hope it works out for you post jab not taking your second jab. I respect your position though. Honest.
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Hope all is cool Chris, thought that was your area.
Business partner is EN7 and I'm not a million miles away.
I can think of one reason- if you just recovered from real covid. The vaccine is pointless.
A second might be if you're fit and 25. Infection is low risk.
My take on relaxation of lockdown. Boris and co are playing it very safe, opening schools (possibly) on 8th March. Messaging is all about gradual relaxation to avoid raising expectations.

This is naive. By the end of February there will be 15m (mainly older) with active vaccine coursing through their veins. Many of the younger demographic either think Covid a fairy tale or that it won't affect them.

Business is desperate to get back to being a business. Concerns over a trashed economy will make opposition to continued restrictions very vocal.

In the UK we police by consent. We do not have the resources to deploy against mass non-compliance. By the end of February there will be 20-25m wanting to resume "normality" and many will simply ignore any rules and guidance.

There are still some estimates related to the vaccine - efficacy, how frequently it will need to be repeated, to what extent does it limit transmission. Similar unknowns related to the virus - mutations etc.

There are 3-4 weeks of further vaccine rollout to get a proper handle on this by beginning of March.

There may be a residue of guidance and law left - eg: mask wearing in shops, social distancing, covid safe restaurants only to open initially. Basically those things which have more limited personal or business impacts whilst reducing further residual transmission.

But by the end of March major personal and business restrictions will be unenforceable and will need to be relaxed - otherwise the government will simply risk ridicule.
There isn't a severe lockdown though, is there?

Schools are at 30% to 50% capacity
Rush hour is mega busy around here

Leave it out, you are just trying to get this thread shut down now as well with your nonsense. It's pointless even replying to you.
I'm in tier 8, fair amount of time til I get my vaccination, two older kids in secondary school. Can't say I'm looking forward to their return. People age 50-70 with jobs, kids and other reasons they can't protect themselves stand to be pretty much exposed to the new mutations for some time to come as lock down gets lifted.
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