I expect you mean well - but please don't suggest that the tragedy of thalidomide is comparable in any way.
Small molecule therapeutics (like thalidomide and most "medicines") are designed to alter the balance of chemical pathways. Because of the complexity and interconnectedness of mammalian biochemistry, it's extremely rare to find a chemical agent with a single effect on a single target receptor that modulates a single pathway and outcome.
Vaccines on the other hand are, or produce by direct translation, an antigenic protein fragment. The fragment itself is not medicinally active; it is just recognised as "foreign". The proces sby which it is recognised as foreign, and a response is raised against it is exactly the same as if you graze your knee and get dirt, viruses, mouold, bacteria or anything else in it. That process is not modified in any way by the vaccination process. The main difference to you grazing your knee, is that a larger quantity of one particular foreign material is being seen, but the mechanism underlying is the same.
Vaccination is probably the safest, most cost-effective and beneficial intervention that medicine can provide. It's up there with clean water, good diet, sufficient sunlight, and exercise. Small molecule therapeutics of course also have their place, but are a different league of risk benefit.
Anyway, glad you are vaccinated; just wanted to correct the false comparison.