US Election November 5th

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Does anybody else suspect that Tony is a bot?
I previously had him down as a Large Language Model AI (like ChatGPT), but trained only on the contents of the Daily Mail Online. It would explain the inability to process new information, and the repeated use of "the left".
Let’s look at Trump promises:

1) price of gas to plummet
2) food prices to plummet
3) deport 11 million “illegals”
4) end Ukraine war before he even gets inaugurated
5) cut car insurance in half
6) make healthcare affordable for everybody

By next spring Trump should have made steps towards these goals…..let’s see how he does.
Let’s look at Trump promises:

1) price of gas to plummet
2) food prices to plummet
3) deport 11 million “illegals”
4) end Ukraine war before he even gets inaugurated
5) cut car insurance in half
6) make healthcare affordable for everybody

By next spring Trump should have made steps towards these goals…..let’s see how he does.
Never mind what Trump has promised, let's look closer to home at the promises Starmer made.

Starmer promised the electorate no more sleaze..haaa! They were at it even before they came to power.
He berated the Tories for even suggesting removal of the winter fuel payment.. He's a hypocrite and liar to boot.
He and his chancellor pretended things were worse than they were aware of when in fact everyone else knew of the supposed black hole in the finances apart from them. How much of a donkey do they have to be to be socialists?

They claimed that they wouldn't tax 'working' people.. seems for starters he didn't understand exactly what 'working people' means.. he's a muppet and a liar.
The list goes on so I wouldn't criticise Trump or the people who voted for him if I were you after you and others voted for the donkey whisperer don't even have to wait until spring for these donkeys to break their word.
By next spring everyone is going to be poorer.
The Trump win has seen a noticeable rise in hatred and division.

The volume of awful misogynistic phrases like

“Your body my choice” and “Get back to the kitchen” mentions on social media exploded on the day after the election

Calls to “repeal the 19th” have been growing.

Trump supporters on here own this. Enjoy the hatred.

… because although it’s irrelevant in a thread about the US election result my therapy isn’t working? 🤷
I just believe that before criticising others in far off countries about the choice of president of their country, the left whingers of this country should look closer to home to see the results of their voting.
When I see posts as in # 1622 it says it all about the mentality of the poster.
The Trump win has seen a noticeable rise in hatred and division.

The volume of awful misogynistic phrases like

“Your body my choice” and “Get back to the kitchen” mentions on social media exploded on the day after the election

Calls to “repeal the 19th” have been growing.

Trump supporters on here own this. Enjoy the hatred.

Get over it, he's not your president.
I really don't care whether you are miffed because Harris didn't win...she didn't end of!
As for Trump, I leave it to the American people who they believe is the right choice for them...there's just a handful of you lot and 70-odd million of Trump supporters who think differently so stop the condescending insults of the people who voted for him or are you that dung for brains David Lammy?
should look closer to home to see the results of their voting
That’s true.

The results of the voting in this country have resulted in 14 years of Torie, where wages have stagnated, 6million people are suffering fuel poverty, 4.8 million suffering food poverty, public services are in crisis, there’s 8 million people on NHS waiting lists, energy is too expensive, water is going up 50%, houses are unaffordable and Brexit has caused permanent damage to our economy.

Thankfully the British people have rejected that and now we have some adults in charge sorting things out…..if Labour are upsetting tribal Tories like you Tony, they must be doing the right thing. I expect you will get ever more angry as things in this country get steadily better.

The Americans have just done the same thing….they’ve just voted to make themselves poorer, with poorer services and less controls to stop the wealthy removing the rights.

Go and have a nice cup of tea Tony :)
Lot's of people in the media talk about people being horrified at Trump being elected, but realistically a lot of Americans are delighted. That's why they voted that way. It's a democracy with voting freedom and Trump won a landslide victory so we now all have to deal with the fact that this was America's preference. I find it incredible personally that such a person can become president but perhaps we just have to accept that for much of America this represents what they want.

I only lived in the US for a year or so and it was a while ago (and mainly in NY which is "different" like London) but in occasional travels to other states it is interesting that often eduction is rudimentary, poverty is quite pronounced, racial tensions continue, and many men have a proprietary attitude towards women. The hicks, hillbilly and redneck tropes very much exist and I've met many Americans with very little idea of global geography or other cultures. Maybe we have a tendency to project an idealised view of America that is simply not real? Trump tapped into it very successfully. His blatant misogyny did not put voters off and did not even put women voters off to any significant extent. This suggests we don't understand their culture perhaps.
Get over it, he's not your president.
I really don't care whether you are miffed because Harris didn't win...she didn't end of!
As for Trump, I leave it to the American people who they believe is the right choice for them...there's just a handful of you lot and 70-odd million of Trump supporters who think differently so stop the condescending insults of the people who voted for him or are you that dung for brains David Lammy?
Tony, instead of deflecting please could you respond to this:

The Trump win has seen a noticeable rise in hatred and division.

The volume of awful misogynistic phrases like

“Your body my choice” and “Get back to the kitchen” mentions on social media exploded on the day after the election

Calls to “repeal the 19th” have been growing
Get over it, he's not your president.
I really don't care whether you are miffed because Harris didn't win...she didn't end of!
As for Trump, I leave it to the American people who they believe is the right choice for them...there's just a handful of you lot and 70-odd million of Trump supporters who think differently so stop the condescending insults of the people who voted for him or are you that dung for brains David Lammy?
Have you ever heard the saying "When the US sneezes the world catches a cold" Tony? We do all need to accept the result but as it has ramifications for us all perhaps people not in the US do have an interest?

Anyway, I'm sure we'll all try and follow your example. Clearly you've got over the fact that Labour/Starmer won the last election. :unsure:
Lot's of people in the media talk about people being horrified at Trump being elected, but realistically a lot of Americans are delighted. That's why they voted that way. It's a democracy with voting freedom and Trump won a landslide victory so we now all have to deal with the fact that this was America's preference. I find it incredible personally that such a person can become president but perhaps we just have to accept that for much of America this represents what they want.

I only lived in the US for a year or so and it was a while ago (and mainly in NY which is "different" like London) but in occasional travels to other states it is interesting that often eduction is rudimentary, poverty is quite pronounced, racial tensions continue, and many men have a proprietary attitude towards women. The hicks, hillbilly and redneck tropes very much exist and I've met many Americans with very little idea of global geography or other cultures. Maybe we have a tendency to project an idealised view of America that is simply not real? Trump tapped into it very successfully. His blatant misogyny did not put voters off and did not even put women voters off to any significant extent. This suggests we don't understand their culture perhaps.
I agree - there are definitely marked differences in attitudes and culture across the country.
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