US Election November 5th

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It won;t be Ukrainians. It will be America.
Europe has collectively paid almost double in defence of Ukraine, than the US.
America needed this war to happen and they will be the beneficiaries, unless Putian has other plans.
Russia didn't need to start it. There was no reason to do so. NATO was not at any time going to invade Russia! Russia has more than enough resources and land without Ukraine.

Russia could have been an economic superpower. It has the resources and the people. It was basically becoming European in the big western cities and had most of the same amenities as the west. It could have continued to get billions from oil and gas from europe and gradually become a manufacturing giant. All that was thrown away because 1 person wanted more than the billions he already had. That is the long and the short of it.
Europe has collectively paid almost double in defence of Ukraine, than the US.

Russia didn't need to start it. There was no reason to do so. NATO was not at any time going to invade Russia! Russia has more than enough resources and land without Ukraine.

Russia could have been an economic superpower. It has the resources and the people. It was basically becoming European in the big western cities and had most of the same amenities as the west. It could have continued to get billions from oil and gas from europe and gradually become a manufacturing giant. All that was thrown away because 1 person wanted more than the billions he already had. That is the long and the short of it.


The war was started by the US when they over threw a democratically elected leader. Why does this fact seem to escape those who support the war?
Everyone talks about rights and freedom but there was a western backed coup in Ukraine to kick this all off. Are we just breezing past that bit for convenience?

The Russian economy has grown under sanctions. 3.6% last year. Lots of other countries happy to buy Russian oil and gas, India and South America being the main ones.
Russia now has a well trained, battle hardened and advanced fighting military, which it didn’t before.
Bonds between BRICS nations has grown, especially between Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and India, pushing Russia into the arms of Americans bigger enemy.
Germany, the once jewel in the EU crown is going bust, it can no longer supply cheap energy for its manufacturing. VW now threatening to leavce Germany.

I have no idea where you're getting your information from. This war has been a disaster for Europe. It has strengthened our enemies and weakened us and the US. it’s had the opposite effect.

The war was started by the US when they over threw a democratically elected leader. Why does this fact seem to escape those who support the war?
Because it isn't a fact, it's a lie and you've been sucking at the firehose of Russian propaganda again.
Russia could have been an economic superpower. It has the resources and the people. It was basically becoming European in the big western cities and had most of the same amenities as the west. It could have continued to get billions from oil and gas from europe and gradually become a manufacturing giant. All that was thrown away because 1 person wanted more than the billions he already had. That is the long and the short of it
This is the whole thing in a nutshell. Well done!

The war was started by the US when they over threw a democratically elected leader. Why does this fact seem to escape those who support the war?
Everyone talks about rights and freedom but there was a western backed coup in Ukraine to kick this all off. Are we just breezing past that bit for convenience?

The Russian economy has grown under sanctions. 3.6% last year. Lots of other countries happy to buy Russian oil and gas, India and South America being the main ones.
Russia now has a well trained, battle hardened and advanced fighting military, which it didn’t before.
Bonds between BRICS nations has grown, especially between Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and India, pushing Russia into the arms of Americans bigger enemy.
Germany, the once jewel in the EU crown is going bust, it can no longer supply cheap energy for its manufacturing. VW now threatening to leavce Germany.

I have no idea where you're getting your information from. This war has been a disaster for Europe. It has strengthened our enemies and weakened us and the US. it’s had the opposite effect.
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