I received this email.
Data Notice
Following the acquisition of the FFX domain, intellectual property, and brand, your data has been
transferred to ITS. As the new data controller, we are notifying you of this change in accordance with the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Your personal data will continue to be held securely and
transparently, with full respect for your GDPR rights.
You are receiving this email because your email address is associated with a customer record that was in
the FFX database. This may be due to previous interactions with FFX via their website, in-store purchases,
or on a marketplace platform such as eBay or Amazon.
In line with GDPR guidelines, we will only retain your data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose of
this notification. After providing you with the opportunity to update your preferences within a reasonable
period, we will securely redact or delete your information unless required for other lawful purposes.
At this time, we do not intend to contact you further unless you choose to opt in to receive marketing
communications from us. If you would like to stay updated on news, offers, and products from ITS, please
update your preferences using the button/link below.