US Election November 5th

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Because it's odd to find a Trump fan in the UK - just a few Farageists and far right nuts. I guess some of the recent rioters could be Trumptards too.
Not a fan, I just don’t have Trump derangement syndrome.
It’s ok to appreciate some of his better moments without being ‘a fan’.

When Kamala does well, I‘ll give het credit too, even though my opinion of her is pretty low. Actually lower than Trumps but whatever
I’m sure there’s one in both but oddly, the only people who seem to make a point of where I live (the second time it’s been directly mentioned now) are those who seem to identify as liberal or left wing.

You’re welcome to ask which country I live in.
I don't "seem to identify" as liberal or left wing, I am liberal and left wing. Woke too.
OK folks. Let's stop the name calling here and grow up or I'll do more than delete a few posts.
You have the right to disagree with each other but please keep it civil.
So, Harris is now officially the presidential candidate/nominee after today's delegate vote with over 50% of the vote.
"Project 2025" has been mentioned a couple of times in this thread (not something I previously knew much about). Here's a good run down of some of the real bats**t crazy that it contains (from a lawyer who actually understands law... unlike some of the lunatics that wrote it):

And Walz gets the Veep/running mate gig.

From the video above - That bloke Anthony Comstock was some character..........
I've never understood the mentality of those Brits who make it their business to criticise and ridicule anyone who votes for Trump. Obviously he'll never be my president as I'm British and he is an odd sort I agree but I keep my opinions to myself regarding anyone who votes for him.
There are millions of disenfranchised American citizens, many of whom live in what we would consider abject poverty and he gives them a voice which is why they vote for him.

I suppose a Trumptard is the equivalent of the UK's Labourtard or Leftards or Europhile. None of those titles or labels are particularly nice.
We've had the Labour government in office for a month now and it looks like it could be a disaster in the making judging by the ideas they are coming out with and arguably their election victory was a vote made because of the anti-Tory mass hysteria stirred up by the left wing media so I think criticising those who vote for Trump is somewhat hypocritical.
I've never understood the mentality of those Brits who make it their business to criticise and ridicule anyone who votes for Trump. Obviously he'll never be my president as I'm British and he is an odd sort I agree but I keep my opinions to myself regarding anyone who votes for him.
There are millions of disenfranchised American citizens, many of whom live in what we would consider abject poverty and he gives them a voice which is why they vote for him.

I suppose a Trumptard is the equivalent of the UK's Labourtard or Leftards or Europhile. None of those titles or labels are particularly nice.
We've had the Labour government in office for a month now and it looks like it could be a disaster in the making judging by the ideas they are coming out with and arguably their election victory was a vote made because of the anti-Tory mass hysteria stirred up by the left wing media so I think criticising those who vote for Trump is somewhat hypocritical.
I disagree.
I've never understood the mentality of those Brits who make it their business to criticise and ridicule anyone who votes for Trump. Obviously he'll never be my president as I'm British and he is an odd sort I agree but I keep my opinions to myself regarding anyone who votes for him.
There are millions of disenfranchised American citizens, many of whom live in what we would consider abject poverty and he gives them a voice which is why they vote for him.
I agree that if we look at much of the demographic supporting Trump, it's not a matter for laughter but for deep concern. It matters to me who runs the US because it will likely affect me (very little) and my kids - the last thing we need is a world that's even more unstable than it is already. Fair comment on the 'tards' bit, but you do have to wonder about how people end up supporting things that are against their real interests - and I think you've hit the nail on the head in your third sentence.
I am enjoying the 'Weird' campaign tho - so much material to work with.
I've never understood the mentality of those Brits who make it their business to criticise and ridicule anyone who votes for Trump.
It's because we see him as a grotesque monster and a threat to democracy, and as USA president a threat to the world.
There are millions of disenfranchised American citizens, many of whom live in what we would consider abject poverty and he gives them a voice which is why they vote for him.
But he lies to them and gives them nothing.
We've had the Labour government in office for a month now and it looks like it could be a disaster in the making judging by the ideas they are coming out with
I'm more worried about what they won't do. Starmer has a long record of timidity and changing course.
and arguably their election victory was a vote made because of the anti-Tory mass hysteria
No - it's more just the truth slowly dawning on ex tory voters. But there was a very low turnout - Labour lowest since pre WW2 and won by default, not a swing. There was a massive swing away from both sides.
stirred up by the left wing media
More stirring from the left wing media the better!
I guess you must have been reading Tribune or something as there is no mainstream left wing media as such. The Guardian pretends but actually led the pack in the defenestration of Corbyn for instance.
Hold on, let's check...

Daily mail - no
Daily express - no
Telegraph - no
The sun - no
The star - no
The times - no
The financial times - no
The independent - centrist
The guardian - yes
The mirror - yes
First I've ever heard The Independent described as "centrist". The Times probably could be.
It's because we see him as a grotesque monster and a threat to democracy ...

Democracy? At he has to be elected by the majority of voters, unlike our system.
Does he? I seem to remember otherwise, but the American electoral college system is a mystery to me. Fairly certain there was talk of someone (Hilary Clinton?) winning the "popular vote", but not the election. Will ask the wife.
Does he? I seem to remember otherwise, but the American electoral college system is a mystery to me. Fairly certain there was talk of someone (Hilary Clinton?) winning the "popular vote", but not the election. Will ask the wife.
Just checked.
In the last five US presidential elections, Trump was the only one who became president despite losing the popular vote.