Best argument for compulsory sterilisation I've heard in a very long time.
As a parent I know how easy it is to make mistakes, and God knows I've made my share. But this wasn't a momentary lapse, like glancing away at the wrong moment near the swings, or pushing the bike too hard the day the training wheels come off. No, this was clearly a considered move - as testified by the pep talk and P.P.E. - and yet somehow he still managed to believe that letting his 6 year old pass his hand over an unguarded blade was a good idea, a procedure that even adults in a professional environment are banned from performing (well over here anyway). It simply beggars belief :roll:. He might as well have given his son a loaded gun to play with.. oh wait, this was in the U.S., that was last year I expect.
Chuckhead? - Knobhead would be more appropriate, this guy deserves to never have another good nights sleep.
Sorry, rant over. Feelings regarding kids running a little high this evening, as they've just been raking over the Haringey incident on the news.