Unusual table saw accident


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I'm speechless. :shock:

In retrospect, the only two things I would have done differently would either be not letting him help on that part of the project because there's just no safe way for a 6 year old to have his hands anywhere near a spinning table saw blade or I perhaps I should have actually had my hand on top of his....
I'm absolutely appalled. The man's a complete silly person. Seriously, I think he should be arrested. I'm surprised the child could even reach the TS. Not much shocks me, but that's got to me. Why did he ever think it was ok to let a 6yr old near a TS. :evil:

He has let his child scared for life, it made me go cold then hot with anger.

Only one poster thought he was a silly person!

What a complete KNOB!... :roll: Hospital should have called Social Services
The man wants his nuts cut off. With a blunt saw.

I worry about my son using a TS, and he's a 32-year old professional...
What an complete silly person. He also put the wood through "on edge" instead of flat where he could have used a blade guard. Its still too young a child to be anywhere near machinery.
Have you seen his parting words - "Not sure if this will fall under the category of "a word to the wise" for any of you. Hopefully you're all a lot smarter than I am."

The wood was smarter than he was...
At least it wasn't a dado, I suppose. edit: or was it?

silly person.
I have a child of that age and i find it incomprehensible.

Infact my instinct says its a bullshit spam for saw stop.

If it happened then i hope the child recovers quickly and the father takes up knitting.
i cant belive i just read that, thats really bad poor boy, no way should he have been doing that at his age with out the right knowlage etc.
But it's ok because:

" Before we started, we talked about shop safety, he put on his hearing protection and his eye protection, "

pineapple!!! :shock: :shock: :twisted: :twisted:
wizer":2b3ahn6v said:
I'm absolutely appalled. The man's a complete silly person. Seriously, I think he should be arrested. I'm surprised the child could even reach the TS. Not much shocks me, but that's got to me. Why did he ever think it was ok to let a 6yr old near a TS. :evil:

I've just thought about that. The boy must have been standing on something - a box or similar. The blade (presumably dado) was unguarded.
He falls. He lands face-first on the saw...
I am astonished, I don't know what is worst, That he has done it .. or that he admitted it to his peers. I have no children (well one on the way) but a 6 year old on a table saw, come on. :evil:
If you are going to start your kids off surely you would use handtools. Next week he will be owning up to showing his wife to cut cucumbers with a spindle moulder.
I would hope its a troll but America is a big place with many many strange people.
Disgracefull! I have a 5 year old and can't imagine ever letting him near the table saw, and I'll probably not let him when he;s in his 20's! My boy loves helping in the shop but before I even let im through the door I kill the main power switch to the sockets and maybe i'm paranoid but I even lower the saw blade below the table. All tools are on shelves out of his reach too. We sit on the floor together and he wears his Bob The Builder hard hat, gogles and a dust mask the covers nearly his whole face, and the most dangerous thing he is allowed near is the sandpaper. Mostly he just helps put the bits together and puts the woodglue on with his paintbrush. Even the supervised!

Surely nobody in their right mind would have let this accident happen!
I've seen good DT teachers working with 11 year olds (which is a world of difference from a 6 year old) and they are allowed only hand tools with which it would be quite hard to hurt yourself (like hacksaws) but they still manage it!

I just can't imagine how I'd feel if I did that to my kid. Well, actually I wouldn't be feeling anything, because my wife would have killed me, rather than 'encouraging me to buy a sawstop'.

I wonder if it is a p**stake.
Best argument for compulsory sterilisation I've heard in a very long time.

As a parent I know how easy it is to make mistakes, and God knows I've made my share. But this wasn't a momentary lapse, like glancing away at the wrong moment near the swings, or pushing the bike too hard the day the training wheels come off. No, this was clearly a considered move - as testified by the pep talk and P.P.E. - and yet somehow he still managed to believe that letting his 6 year old pass his hand over an unguarded blade was a good idea, a procedure that even adults in a professional environment are banned from performing (well over here anyway). It simply beggars belief :roll:. He might as well have given his son a loaded gun to play with.. oh wait, this was in the U.S., that was last year I expect.

Chuckhead? - Knobhead would be more appropriate, this guy deserves to never have another good nights sleep.

Sorry, rant over. Feelings regarding kids running a little high this evening, as they've just been raking over the Haringey incident on the news.
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