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Bentontool - is that a real corn-cob pipe I see? My (other) grandad smoked one for a while! His was very dark looking though, not bright yellow!
Yes indeed! A real USA-made corn cob pipe (Missouri Meerschaum- It is my "secondary" shop pipe. The "primary" one is black with use! They last a long time, and smoke very nicely. The stems need replacement often, but are inexpensive.
I stopped taking my good pipes out whilst working, ever since I ran over one with my truck!
Actually the landlord of my old local used to sell mixers in screw top bottles - 250ml, iirc - to locals who put their name on them if unfinished, it was cheaper pro rata for him and them to buy. He reckoned he sold more shorts that way.
Another thing that benefits from 'fridge storage is coffee, both instant (dust of the devil) and ground.
The volatile oils that impart much of the odour/flavour evaporate at room temperature so it is worth keeping it cool.

I'd go without beer for my morning Colombian cafetiere.