Todays effort.Part 2.

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Thanks Pete,Tam,Andrew.
Pete the bowl wall is about 6mm thick.What's a Chinese spoon :?
Tam how do you mean you usually add a colour to Sycamore. :?

This piece was soaked in meths giving it that browny tinge.Compared to the piece i turned green which had a more whiteish colour,which i must admit i prefer :roll:
Paul.J":7k4xpek5 said:
Thanks Pete,Tam,Andrew.
Pete the bowl wall is about 6mm thick.What's a Chinese spoon :?

One of these

The bowl reminds me of a chinese rice bowl in shape. Perhaps I should have said chopsticks instead. :roll: Really nice piece whatever.
Thickness wise, in the picture it looks a bit like porcelain with the colouring.

Thanks for that Pete.
I think i'll just do the Chopsicks :D

Here is another one.
Sycamore again.Again dried in meths.
Bit more shape to this one though.Again with a green fleck in.
Usual finish of Sanding sealer and Woodwax.Will have to try something different one day :roll:
Sizewize-115mm high x 220mm dia.

Pete said
Tam how do you mean you usually add a colour to Sycamore. :?

Normally I would add a bit of texture or some colour wash on some or all parts of the item. Only because I think Sycamore is sometimes just a bit bland with being very pale/white most of the time.

As a contradiction, I also occasionally use bleach to whiten the wood so it can look almost like ivory, I would normally just do that on small items.

There is nothing wrong with Sycamore as such, I was given quite a bit a couple of years ago, and tried to change each piece a little so they had a little bit of individuality.
Hi Dave.

You said,
When you say bleach do you mean ordinary household bleach - or is there some special formula.

No not household bleach. To my knowledge there are about 3 kinds of bleaching substances that effect wood. The one I use is "Vitableach" it is in 2 parts with one being a peroxide solution. The other types remove stains and so on, Vitableach actually removes the colour from the timber. With Sycamore or Horse Chestnut the wood can almost look like ivory it is so white.
Last one of the week :D
Sycamore again with the same finish.
Sizes are-100mm high x 190mm dia.
Got this one fairly thin you can see light through it :roll:

Paul.J":2xh513yg said:
Last one of the week :D
Sycamore again with the same finish.
Sizes are-100mm high x 190mm dia.
Got this one fairly thin you can see light through it :roll:


Be careful where you put it Paul. I got one that thin and had it in the kitchen overnight. Forgot that the range was on and the next morning it had a split in it. Still trying to work out how to 'artify' it. Pity to waste it. Nice looking piece.

Thanks for the warning Pete :D
This was just another trial piece.Just wanted to see how thin i could go.
Thought i could have got it thinner but the piece started to go off centre too much,so finished it off as is. :roll:
All the sycamore pieces have been very nice,Paul - timber looks such a lovely colour,and the shapes have all been well-proportioned.Still got some sycamore left,or is it time for a different timber out of your local tree-fellers bargain-bin ? (Not that I'm slightly jealous of your excellent haul or anything,but.. :mrgreen: :wink: )

Keep up the good work.

Thanks for the comments Andrew.Much appreciated :D
Powertool wrote
Still got some sycamore left,or is it time for a different timber out of your local tree-fellers bargain-bin ?
Yes i have still got some Sycamore left Andrew,and i think i will give some of the other timbers i've now acquired a go soon. :D
Starting with some of the Apple i think,then the Yew,which i was told has been down for about 12-14 months so that should be fairly dry to try.
Will post piccys when done :D
This is my first attempt at turning Laburnam,and have to say that it is a really nice looking wood,and nice to turn.Not quite dried out so will expect some splits :roll:
Decided to do a goblet for this piece and will no doubt be doing some more :D
Hope you like.
Sizes are-135mm high x 95mm bowl dia.
Finished with sanding sealer and Woodwax.

Click on images.

Paul.J":jgj4w0uu said:
Not quite dried out so will expect some splits :roll:

Good presentation of the wood figuring Paul.

Keep an eye on that lower stem, I would be inclined to treat that closed fissure with low viscosity CA (from the base side) if not already done, to try and prevent it moving.

I have had some success in immersing fractured Laburnum and Yew in diluted Cellulose sealer as a means of bonding the structure, prior to final finishing.
CHJ wrote
I have had some success in immersing fractured Laburnum and Yew in diluted Cellulose sealer as a means of bonding the structure, prior to final finishing.

Thanks for the tip Chas.
Yes there was some decay in the wood as i reached the center and did fill it with superglue.Was expecting there to be some splits this morning but it seeks o.k so far :shock:
Spot on Paul. One of my favourite woods from our wet and delightful country.

NOW! let's see the twisted stem :twisted:

Only joking, well done.
Thanks for comments La Truc/Tam.
TEP wrote
NOW! let's see the twisted stem
If your referring to the twisted stem on your Avatar Tam,i would love to have a bash,if you would like to give a quick how to.

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