Three steps back... Fall down rabbit hole... New member

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New member
23 May 2024
Reaction score
New Forest
This all started after we moved into our new home five or six weeks ago...

For some reason the bannisters were covered with sheets of ply, possibly for fire regulations I don't know.

But I thought to myself, I wonder if the banisters are in decent condition under there....

So I went and had a look didn't I.

I don't think it's a particularly special staircase, but, it will certainly look a lot better than sheets of ply painted with white emulsion....

It turns out, not exactly to my surprise, that sanding banisters creates a lot of dust.

So I needed to make a tower for my shop vac and dust extractor, which kept falling over behind me while I was sanding, which meant I really wanted to be able to produce reasonably accurate 90° cuts, repeatedly.

That prompted me to go down another rabbit hole and come to the decision to create a crosscut sled for my circular saw..

And here I am 2 weeks later wondering if I will ever get the stairs finished before the carpet fitters turn up!
Hello and welcome- nothing much worse than sanding old paint , these days if possible I opt for the heat gun and go back to wood then prime / undercoat and top coat.. but it’s all arduous graft but as long as the end result looks good then happy days 🤗🤗

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