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Fondly remembering this gem from two years ago:

With all this Anglo-centric commentary re Greasy Fog, The Truss etc, may I just point out that, in a quiet, deeply bigoted, sheep-rearing corner of Ulster, for the first time in 50 years, there will be no Paisley as M.P.? That was the good news.
Bad news? The incoming individual is to the right of Genghis Khan politically and the Paisleys were puddy tats compared to his fundamentalism. Ho hum.
With all this Anglo-centric commentary re Greasy Fog, The Truss etc, may I just point out that, in a quiet, deeply bigoted, sheep-rearing corner of Ulster, for the first time in 50 years, there will be no Paisley as M.P.? That was the good news.
Bad news? The incoming individual is to the right of Genghis Khan politically and the Paisleys were puddy tats compared to his fundamentalism. Ho hum.
From a grifting, wannabe Maldivian narcissist empty headed self entitled flute that Ian Óg is to a totally repugnant immoral short ar.ed Goebbels tribute act…..
Great choice by the NA electorate
From a grifting, wannabe Maldivian narcissist empty headed self entitled flute that Ian Óg is to a totally repugnant immoral short ar.ed Goebbels tribute act…..
Great choice by the NA electorate
and the positives are................
Keir Starmer has had to fight against right wing populism to win.
Nonsense. Starmer has swung the whole agenda to the right and in no way "fought" against Reform or Farage.
In 2019 Boris Johnson won by lying about brexit, he used Steve Bannon, Trumps campaign manager.

The loss in trust in politics is due to Johnson who lied repeatedly in the commons.
Starmer also lied repeatedly to win the leadership, and conducted a dishonest and divisive campaign against the left.
Pleased that Corbyn and Abbott held on to their seats, and that Ashworth lost his.
The "Gaza" winners are good news too - as another focus of opposition against our new estabishmentarian and very conservative "Labour" government.
I see Hi Risk Anus has just resigned. What's the chances the Tories will try to reshape themselves back into something at least remotely respectable... or try to become Reform-lite (I know what my money's on).
I see Hi Risk Anus has just resigned. What's the chances the Tories will try to reshape themselves back into something at least remotely respectable... or try to become Reform-lite (I know what my money's on).
Booster seat from the prime ministerial car will be on e bay later.
I see Hi Risk Anus has just resigned. What's the chances the Tories will try to reshape themselves back into something at least remotely respectable... or try to become Reform-lite (I know what my money's on).
But he said soz so all ok.

PS- what was that she was wearing? State of her....
PPs- least she has an umbrella ready.
But he said soz so all ok.

PS- what was that she was wearing? State of her....
PPs- least she has an umbrella ready.
Not sure who "she" is, but yea; most of the rabble who've gone will be crying into their millions - so it's not really as if they've actually suffered for the damages they've done to the country.
It's not the inconvenience of producing the ID, its the need to do so that I have an issue with. How many elections have been in this country without needing photo ID? How many results have been contested?

Fair enough if there was evidence of fraud in the past but there hasn't been ever. Voters need ID which is produced by the state in order to vote, which costs money to either sign up or renew. Money which goes back to the government.

The elections is really one of the few times in this country the public actually have a say in what happens in the future and for the Tories to try and restrict the voter so they can jump through hoops that they have laid down is basically wrong in my eyes.

I sincerely hope that the Labour government abolishes it.
Voting is one of our most important rights. That there is a requirement to produce proof of identity seems reasonable. The range of documents accepted is long Photo ID Getting ID is not difficult even without existing documentation.

That there is limited evidence of fraud in the past does not mean it will not occur in the future. The extent of voter fraud is based on previous convictions but omits fraud not detected or prosecuted.

Similarly there is no data on how many are actually disenfranchised - want to vote but unable. This is likely a much smaller number than those without ID but have no intention of voting anyway.
Under PR I suspect there would have been a lot more of the reform mob, so be careful what you wish for.
Your right but more Lib Dem, smaller majorities etc. It doesn't seem to do much harm in countries that apply it and people are more likely to vote if their vote as any chance of mattering. There are a lot of people like me living in a democracy but totally disenfranchised.
Keir Starmer has had to fight against right wing populism to win.

In 2019 Boris Johnson won by lying about brexit, he used Steve Bannon, Trumps campaign manager.

The loss in trust in politics is due to Johnson who lied repeatedly in the commons.
That Starmer had to sink to the level of his competition may be a pragmatic response to circumstances, but is hardly a worthy argument.

It is probably fair to say that Boris polished the art of political BS and spin turning campaigning into a marketing exercise characterised by exaggeration, selective truths, emotive rhetoric, etc. He could equally be selling soap powder, anti-aging creams, or ready meals.

However credit for popularising "spin" probably goes to Tony Blair who very clearly made extensive use of the media and his presentational skills in forming public opinion. His predecessor John Major was (I believe) was the last to use a soapbox - an audience of hundreds, not millions.
Corbyn did well winning outright. One less Starmerlite MP! Pity Starmer decided to split the vote in Chingford as Faiza Shaheen would have won. What a missed opportunity!
Starmer gave us IDS instead.
Voting is one of our most important rights. That there is a requirement to produce proof of identity seems reasonable. The range of documents accepted is long Photo ID Getting ID is not difficult even without existing documentation.

That there is limited evidence of fraud in the past does not mean it will not occur in the future. The extent of voter fraud is based on previous convictions but omits fraud not detected or prosecuted.

Similarly there is no data on how many are actually disenfranchised - want to vote but unable. This is likely a much smaller number than those without ID but have no intention of voting anyway.
You can say what you like, but it was only introduced by the Tories because they hoped it would reduce the number of young people voting. The odious Mogg as good as admitted this after the recent by-elections.
Polling cards, on the other hand, speed up the process no end, but many voters don't bother taking them, as they're told that they're not necessary. So voters come in, stick their passport in your face and expect to be given a ballot paper, then you have to ask for their address, look it up, ask them to verify their name, "it's there in the passport, can't you read?". "I'm sorry, it's a requirement that I ask you to confirm it".
It's a process that could use some streamlining, and it's further complicated by the people outside, who ask if they've remembered to bring photo id, whereupon they produce it, and then wonder why they're being asked again, at the desk.