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Honesty, transparency and integrity have taken a back seat to half truths, evasion, political point scoring, etc in an effort to avoid alienating anyone

Keir Starmer has had to fight against right wing populism to win.

In 2019 Boris Johnson won by lying about brexit, he used Steve Bannon, Trumps campaign manager.

The loss in trust in politics is due to Johnson who lied repeatedly in the commons.
Well, that's it and certainly not unexpected. However, the bells tolls for all of those working people,now retired,who have prudently saved for rainy days - we will be clobbered. OK so the tories certainly didn't deserve another term in office but the alternative is frightening. However,no good moaning. In my opinion, before considering any crippling increase in taxes the new government needs to look at how our money has been wasted. I mean,more than £20 million to paint 20mph signs and £5million to remove them! Millions paid to France to get them to stop the boats which they didn't - they are laughing at our stupidity etc etc. We talk billions now not milliuns and local councillors can't handle that sort of money. The future is bleak.
Really great that will will not have to put up with Truss anymore, a total and complete muppet that should never have been PM even for forty odd days.

Corbyn wins his seat, something Starmer should learn from and accept that there are still people who are true labour.

Then this election has highlighted what a mess the political system is really in where you can get a low proportion of overall support but still take a huge majority but luckily not the majority that was originally predicted. The lowest turnout for twenty years by all accounts and is why voting should be mandatory.

the bells tolls for all of those working people,now retired,who have prudently saved for rainy days - we will be clobbered.
But I doubt anyone will escape unscathed, now he faces reality and that to deliver anything he has limited choices of increasing taxes, borrowing or cutting services. I suspect his first victims will be the energy companies who will just say enough is enough and move out of the UK and at some point ULEZ will move over to pay per mile to raise further income but all this is just a drip in the ocean compared to what is needed.

Largely on account of Tory failure to handle anything properly over the last 14 years.
In 2029 they wil be saying on account of labours failure to handle anything and in 2034 it will be back to blaming the conservatives and the merry go round continues because no one is actually capable of taking a hard enough stance and fixing the root cause of the problems which is unfair wealth distribution, if you have money then you keep more of it and avoid paying the tax due whilst the working man is all to often just treading water without the opportunities to progress up the ladder. Large companies need to value their workforce as much as the shareholders, so make your workforce shareholders.
Oh please let me see Rees Mogg in a dole queue.

My main regret is that they have said they will not raise income tax surly the fairest of all taxation.

As a moderate centrist who refuses to believe any one party has all the good ideas I still haven't had my vote count in any election but I'm only 60 so there is still time.
And just how would that work?

Putting aside how impractical it would be if I don’t like any of the options I shouldn’t have to feign my support for one.
The usual answer to this is a box for none of the above. Personally if people can't be bothered to vote they can't complain, still want to see some form of PR.
Truss and Mogg out are a great highlight. Shame the utterly vile Braverman survived; she'll definitely be staking her claim for the leadership of the Tories now I suspect.

Thankfully Deform (sic) only got 4 seats, so while the grifter-in-chief did finally get elected as an MP they'll hopefully be fairly irrelevant.

Given that Lab and Lib Dem have nearly 500 seats between them I'm at least hoping that means there's a huge majority for parties with reasonably positive attitudes towards the NHS and other public services.
The lowest turnout for twenty years by all accounts and is why voting should be mandatory.

It may have something to do with providing ID in order to vote nowadays. I voted by postal vote to avoid this but when I went with the old man to vote there were many disgruntled people in the queue at the polling station who weren't happy about it.