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Not really. My main motivation, like most people I know, is to get shot of the feckless, lying, sleazy, self-enriching, entitled bunch of half-wits we have had the unfortunate to be mis-ruled by for the last 14 years.
All we are doing is exchanging one bunch of half wits for another bunch of half wits with some dellusion that these half wits are better than the other half wits. The problem is that we know all about one lot of half wits but really not alot about the other bunch of half wits except they both stem from the conservative line, unfortunately Labour is now gone having been transformed into an election bus for Starmer.
There will be a lot less this time round because with a huge majority then Starmer is essentially a dictator and can just choose to ignore any comments as they will have no influence on any outcome. Under a Sir then there will be no chance of any wealth leveling up either
A big majority is a big majority, but that doesn't make the PM a dictator. The tories have just proved that.

My point is that the LibDems have generally acted in a more mature style and have closer aims in parliament than the current tories and with luck we won't see so much mud slinging and nonsense.

Remember Starmer got his knighthood for public service, not making money. He's well off like anyone rising to the top of their profession, but nothing like the bucket loads of money some tories have amassed through financial services and dodgy practices like Sunak and pals.
My point is that the LibDems have generally acted in a more mature style

All we are doing is exchanging one bunch of half wits for another bunch of half wits with some dellusion that these half wits are better than the other half wits.
This doesn't display much perspective. There are some in politics who aren't that bright (Dorries eg), but whether I agree with their politics or not, most of them are pretty intelligent. Sunak has many flaws but he isn't a half-wit. That he should know better is half the problem. The idea you could call Starmer a half-wit is laughable and one would have to be pretty dim-witted to believe it (rather than just saying that to blow off and troll).
Making fun of yourself has a certain self-assurance.
I don't think it was any serious attempt at making fun. All of the Davey's 'stunts' were there to gain coverage and highlight issues like water quality (as above).
Compared to standing in the rain without an umbrella, campaigning in the Titanic quarter or under an exit sign, it was genius campaigning next to the tory shambles.
Well the fourth is upon us.... I for one have done my civic duty and voted. Soon it will be all over ( bar the shouting) - until next time. :giggle:
All we are doing is exchanging one bunch of half wits for another bunch of half wits with some dellusion that these half wits are better than the other half wits
I strongly disagree with this.

This is the argument pushed by the media supporting the morally corrupt like the Daily Mail and Express.

There is a big difference between the r/w populists introduced in 2019 and Labour MPs like Darren Jones, Chris Bryant, Torsten Bell and other Labour MPs
Not really. My main motivation, like most people I know, is to get shot of the feckless, lying, sleazy, self-enriching, entitled bunch of half-wits we have had the misfortune to be mis-ruled by for the last 14 years. I'd rather vote for Count Binface than that lot.
After 44 years of being a voter I think that covers the majority of career politicians. There are exceptions who work quietly for their constituents but the ones that climb the slippery pole of party leadership all fall into your categorisation quite nicely. The only difference between them is the amount of effort the press take to dig up the sleaze. Not a lot of papers are sold from taring and feathering the “opposition”, who ever that might at the time.
Just voted and as usual my wife and myself cancelled each other out. It would save us time if neither of us voted.
My wife always votes though because women fought to get her the right to vote.
Ironically we both voted the opposite of what we did the last time 🙄
Just voted and as usual my wife and myself cancelled each other out. It would save us time if neither of us voted.
My wife always votes though because women fought to get her the right to vote.
Ironically we both voted the opposite of what we did the last time 🙄
I have a proxy in place as I used to travel abroad a lot for work and haven't cancelled it.
We trotted down the polling station together this morning and I confirmed that they should please give my voting slip to my wife.
I think I know what I voted but I'm confident we won't be cancelling each other out :)
Elections tend to be a bit of a fractious time and I hope that for you all, your hopes and expectations are met.
Here in NZ we have MMP which caused a bit of disquiet when it was introduced but people are used to it now and appreciate the tactical options it gives them at voting time.
I don't think politicians are nitwits - generally speaking. We have a local council issue which demonstrates how difficult their positions can be sometimes. I live on the edge of the harbour and between my house and the water is a green belt about 30 metres wide and meandering along the shoreline for about 5km. Council would like to put a concrete path along it. A bit of an uproar ensued with people including me asking how could you even think of despoiling such a beautiful natural area with an ugly concrete ribbon... but then the old folks, of whom we have a lot, chimed in. A lot of them walk with the aid of a stick, or a walker, or ride on a mobility scooter, and they want to be able to enjoy the nature as well. A valid point and whatever they descide 50% of the inhabitants are going to hate them for it. Who would want to be a politician.
Tories are the architects of their own defeat.

A clear demonstration that united parties succeed, those riven by argument and division fail.

A little like Brexit, I don't like the outcome but hope Starmer and crew can deliver success. He is a decent man, rational, intelligent and constrained by precisely the same issues as his predecessors - the economy, international circumstance, financial imperatives etc.

His most important contribution would be to address the very low esteem in which all politicians are held. Honesty, transparency and integrity have taken a back seat to half truths, evasion, political point scoring, etc in an effort to avoid alienating anyone.
Well the fourth is upon us.... I for one have done my civic duty and voted. Soon it will be all over ( bar the shouting) - until next time. :giggle:
I've done my civic duty too - working at a polling station from 6:30 to 22:30.
Long day, but interesting.