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We may have left the EU but it's downfall will be when another country jumps ship like France or Italy, you cannot control the borders between EU countries which is where some countries like Italy are not happy apparently.
..... you cannot control the borders between EU countries....
Yes you can. Where did you get that odd idea?
Border controls separate EU passport holders from the others.
Free movement within the EU was one of the benefits, possibly the greatest. Losing it was a really backward step.
The craziest thing about it is that has made no difference to immigration, legal or illegal, but we don't share reciprocal arrangements with the EU so it's more difficult to handle.
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We may have left the EU but it's downfall will be when another country jumps ship like France or Italy, you cannot control the borders between EU countries which is where some countries like Italy are not happy apparently.
I think this narrative is a bit of hyperbole

The EU is not in danger of collapsing, never has been.

It’s a economic superpower up there with USA and China, it has a gdp of $16trillion.

EU currently has major investment from Intel to become a major semiconductor manufacturer and there’s currently around 45 gigafactories being built across EU for cars and grid storage.

Eurosceptics have been claiming the EU is on the brink of collapse for decades.
Looks like Keir Starmer won Sky leaders debate

Which I have to say was a far far better format than the ITV one

Conservatives are still doubling down on tax lies.

Can somebody tell Keir Starmer using the phrase “my dad was a toolmaker” can translate as Sir Keir being the tool. (Makes me cringe when he says it now)
I think this narrative is a bit of hyperbole

The EU is not in danger of collapsing, never has been.

It’s a economic superpower up there with USA and China, it has a gdp of $16trillion.

EU currently has major investment from Intel to become a major semiconductor manufacturer and there’s currently around 45 gigafactories being built across EU for cars and grid storage.

Eurosceptics have been claiming the EU is on the brink of collapse for decades.
Highly regarding geo political analysts in the US (Pete Zeihan) think the EU cannot and will not last.
Did people not say something along those lines about the Uk leaving and that happened !
In case you hadn't noticed even the right wing swivel eyed loon parties on the continent have abandoned *ABC*exit nonsense because they've seen what a disastrous mistake Brexit was. We've provided them with an abject lesson in failure, and they don't have our domestic inability to observe and learn from the truth of it.
In case you hadn't noticed even the right wing swivel eyed loon parties on the continent have abandoned *ABC*exit nonsense because they've seen what a disastrous mistake Brexit was. We've provided them with an abject lesson in failure, and they don't have our domestic inability to observe and learn from the truth of it.
Yep. But here in the UK, despite the papers being full daily of stories of businesses being bankrupted, our own swivel eyed loons insist it hasn't failed, it's just the 'wrong sort' of Brexit. Talk about in denial. :rolleyes:
Apparently not having sky is a hardship…………

Nah…..not having enough to eat is a hardship
It must have been so tough having a Dad who was a GP and a Mum who owned a pharmacy. And prep school, being head boy at Winchester and then going on to Oxford must have been purgatory.
Highly regarding geo political analysts in the US (Pete Zeihan) think the EU cannot and will not last.
I’m not convinced he is a serious intellectual, he has also been predicting the imminent collapse of for a long time: China, Russia, Canada.

The USA tends to be anti EU so it’s popular to put forward theories of demise.

Clearly EU has structural issues including the failed Euro, CAP, reliance on Russian gas and immigration…..but it’s still a global economic superpower and a major trade partner to pretty much every global economy.

The rise of the populist right is not evidence of its demise, just the ebb and flow of politics
Yep. But here in the UK, despite the papers being full daily of stories of businesses being bankrupted, our own swivel eyed loons insist it hasn't failed, it's just the 'wrong sort' of Brexit. Talk about in denial. :rolleyes:
David Davis said recently:

“what we have ended up with is a remainers Brexit”
David Davis said recently:

“what we have ended up with is a remainers Brexit”
There maybe some truth in that. After all, the result shocked Parliament so it's not difficult to see how they can, in their eyes, or the eyes of the industries that fund the parties, manage to placate the furious backers by altering the original Brexit manifesto to suit the wrong people.

The biggest obstacle to Brexit was the pandemic which caused a sudden downturn in the world economy and upturn in national expenditure to cope. At least, in area, the UK did better than most countries.

We had Brexit. The people decided, democratically, to opt out of an organisation they never voted for. The Common Market was acceptable, the EU was a step too far for the population.

It's obvious what the majority of Remainers are. They lost control of the government for a moment and the people spoke.
Ah Davis; the man who's described by his own side as "thick as mince"
That's it. Not able to provide a suitable reply on Brexit, there are those who only want to discredit those who made it happen.
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