Iroko loco!
Reviews are good if buying unseen, some common engineers precision tools generally seem to be made to a better standard than other things I bought for similar money but for woodworking.
Marking out tools are about the only thing that I'd buy new, and for near everything else woodworking related has been on the bay or local.
However I'd not be overly keen to buy used engineers tools on the bay again,
as they may have had a long hard life in industry, and new equivalents being cheaper.
Some of those things might be common enough for a big box store, so just aiming to give some insight on what you can buy for your money,
What might one spend for some woodworkers aluminum ruler with a brand name on it?
A tenner can often go a long way if you shop around.
Locally homebase has a record/irwin no.5 1/2 plane on discount for 35 quid, cheaper than the no.4 beside it, with good thick casting, looked not bad TBH, the turn screw in the lever cap would be the worst part about it, wooden handles could be made fairly easily,
would have been tempted, nah, I'd just buy another Bailey.
It'd be good for a lender tool though, I'd have no attachment to it.
maybe next week

Marking out tools are about the only thing that I'd buy new, and for near everything else woodworking related has been on the bay or local.
However I'd not be overly keen to buy used engineers tools on the bay again,
as they may have had a long hard life in industry, and new equivalents being cheaper.
Some of those things might be common enough for a big box store, so just aiming to give some insight on what you can buy for your money,
What might one spend for some woodworkers aluminum ruler with a brand name on it?
A tenner can often go a long way if you shop around.
Locally homebase has a record/irwin no.5 1/2 plane on discount for 35 quid, cheaper than the no.4 beside it, with good thick casting, looked not bad TBH, the turn screw in the lever cap would be the worst part about it, wooden handles could be made fairly easily,
would have been tempted, nah, I'd just buy another Bailey.
It'd be good for a lender tool though, I'd have no attachment to it.
maybe next week