After five years managing borderline type-2 diabetes with diet and exercise I was put on metformin last summer by a new diabetic nurse at my clinic. I was one of the very few unlucky people who have a severe allergic reaction to it, suffered severe dehydration and ended up in the ICU with total kidney failure. My blood chemistry went completely out of whack with a potentially fatally high level of potassium. For 48hrs it was touch and go but thanks to the dedication of the nurses and doctors in the ICU I pulled through and am now fully recovered.
I was in hospital for three weeks, during which time they stopped my regular prescribed medication - atorvastatin and candesartin (for hypertension). I have been on those two for several years and never really got over the side effects they gave me, tiredness and dizziness in the morning. Tests during my stay in the hospital, while off the medication, showed slightly elevated blood pressure and cholesterol, but not to what were considered dangerous levels. I was prescribed a bunch of new meds to help with my recovery but was advised to remain off atorvastatin and candesartin until a follow-up examination in three months.
The meds prescribed for the kidney failure recovery tailed off after a couple of months and for four weeks I was completely medication free. And felt really good - strong and healthy.
At the three month follow-up (bloods submitted a week before), the renal consultant declared me fit and well. Kidney function has returned to around 70% which is fine for a 73-year old. He did however notice slightly elevated levels of cholesterol and blood pressure and put me back on the atorvastatin and candesartin. After just a couple of days I started to get my old symptoms of tiredness and dizziness back. So after a week I threw them in the bin and resolved to take my chances and go med-free. (Apart from the viagra

Eight months later, I feel great. I monitor my borderline type-2 diabetes and blood pressure, which are a bit high, bit hey, I'm an old geezer, I can't expect to have the body of a 25-year old. I'll take my chances, do deep breathing excercises for my hypertension, take plenty of exercise, eat a sensible balanced diet, and enjoy a glass of wine or a pint a few times a week. From fourteen and a half stone when I went on the metformin, I am down to twelve and a half. (I'm 5'11"). A good weight.
That's my story. I'm not advocating that people suddenly stop their meds and I might drop dead tomorrow. People do at my age (two friends in the last three months). But I do believe that pharmaceuticals are over-prescribed now, particularly when GPs are overworked and pills are the easy way out. I got a bodily Ctrl-Alt-Del reset when I nearly died last year (one consultant called it that). Just wanted to share my experience. Thanks for reading if you got this far.
Edit: Oh, and God bless the late Dr Michael Mosley whose books and TV programmes about healthy living were a huge help to my wellness.