Statins and statistics

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Most statin users are OK apparently so maybe you should give it a go, but be on alert for side effects! They aren't obvious and get confused with other health issues.
All drugs seem to have them, I don't know if Statins are worse than others.
What bothers me is that when I get significant side effects, I have to go into hospital for tests to see if it's the therapy causing them and if they think it is, I'm on steroids to calm things down and treatment gets interrupted. One thing I guess we all learn as we get older is how precious each day is, and I really hate sitting around in there while they scan, poke and probe when I could be home happily fiddling about instead. :) So the thought of another possible set of side effects bothers me. Speaking to the nurse tomorrow, and I've already stopped the cheese!
Worrying about what ?????????

One thing I don't worry about are the stupid comments on this thread.
I've never been on a diet in my life - but the Misses tried the keto diet recently and I joined her for 6 months - we cut out ALL carbs - no bread, no sugar no pasta etc and removed all processed food from my diet and particularly corn / vegetable oils.

We just ate food high in good fats - animal fats and protein, cooked in lard, ate real butter, lots of meat - eating all the fat on the meat too, loads of cheese, eggs, avocado, full fat double cream in coffee instead of milk and non tuber vegetables.

The lbs fell off me, I wasn't particularly overweight to start with, but I now have a slimmer more toned shape in my fifties than I ever have had - and I went to the gym religiously from the age of 20 - 40.

We ate fat and got thin!

Basically we have been lied to:
Margarine is very bad for you - butter is good for you!
Vegetable oil is the devils spawn - olive oil and lard is the healthy option.
Now they want to remove real meat from your diet and feed you synthetic lab grown meat or insects lol

The answer to a healthy lifestyle do not lie with big pharma and their drugs (or injections) - they make vast sums from pushing these drugs on you - and they certainly don't want you to get better and stop using them!

Don't eat anything that comes out of a factory, don't eat anything processed, don't eat anything with listings in the ingredients that you don't understand and are not familiar with.
Your pilot is on the same plane as you, so I would be as concerned about them, but you might want to take your lawyer with you when you get your next surgery, and it doesn't hurt to google the drugs that your doctor prescribes. Just saying.
Just thought I would let you guys know I'm seeing my GP next week and I'm going to have talk with him about my general drugs rejime and, the statin I was prescribed (by another GP in the practice) for Cholesterol Ezetimibe. I'll let you know the outcome.
Just thought I would let you guys know I'm seeing my GP next week and I'm going to have talk with him about my general drugs rejime and, the statin I was prescribed (by another GP in the practice) for Cholesterol Ezetimibe. I'll let you know the outcome.
I spoke to the practice nurse today, I'm going to try to lower cholesterol without statins and with change of diet and a bit more exercise. I'm looking into what a Mediterranean diet is, apparently that helps with the therapy I'm on, too. I'll be having another blood test for lipids in 6 months to see how it goes. Hopefully win - win.
Really helpful thread.
I spoke to the practice nurse today, I'm going to try to lower cholesterol without statins and with change of diet and a bit more exercise. I'm looking into what a Mediterranean diet is, apparently that helps with the therapy I'm on, too. I'll be having another blood test for lipids in 6 months to see how it goes. Hopefully win - win.
NHS site good for diet advice. Some sites are too clever by half!
Keto / Low Carb / Low cholesterol / diets are all different it seems, serve different purposes but overlap
Theres so much advice out there I'm keeping a folder with notes, checking out items e.g. bananas, eggs, good or bad?
Really helpful thread.
For me too. I guessed a lot of people would be in the same boat. Seems a lot are in worse nick than me (touch wood) but I remain pessimistic!