Slim":1jush0ca said:
Jenx":1jush0ca said:
I crossed the circle at Fauske in Norway, and I HOPE that was land, cause I was riding a motorcycle at the time :wink:
First of all, that sounds fantastic. Do tell more.
It was in June 2003... rode from Aberdeenshire to Nordkapp, stayed under canvas for the entire trip, there was 5 of us did it, one of whom was on a 1951 Panther 600 Sloper, and he'd done it 15 years previously on the same machine -- that was the original reason for going, to make his, as far as we know, the only Panther motorcycle ever to go to the cape twice.
As a 'side-event' we raised some money for the heart unit at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, not a vast amount, about 4 grand from memory.. but two of the guys had 'first hand experience' of being in the unit with a heart attack ( panther Owner ) and a triple bypass ( BMW Owner ), so it was nice to be able to do at least something for the place.
You could say we were a diverse bunch, : . ( ages at the time ) : -
ALAN MORRIS - 58 Panther 600. Wellhead Intervention Engineer
ROY DEAR - 66 BMW R1150 . Retired Hydro Power Engineer
MARK HUTCHEON - 34 Yamaha XJ600. Joiner / Clerk of Works
DANNY TAYLOR - 33 Kawasaki VN800. North Sea Fisherman
ME - 38 . Yamaha XJR1300. Valve & Actuation Sales Engineer.
Over-riding memories that seem to live on : --
24 Hour Daylight, above the Circle - messes with your body clock !
Picture Postcard Views around every corner.. amazing scenery.
A 26Km Tunnel, 500 yards of daylight, and back into an 18Km Tunnel !
Passing a black harley, who 'Uturned' and followed us for 70 miles ( for him.. back the way he'd come ), and who did so, because he recognised the Panther and its rider as someone who he'd met at a Rally in Switzerland 20 years before.. he was 'Oliver from Geneva'.. that amazed me totally.
The price of 20 **** !
The Jotunheim.. land of the frost giants & trolls !
Crossing the circle itself.. its very 'barren' and almost lunar on the E6 where you cross.
The towns of Mo-I-Rana, Fauske, Narvik, Alta and Honingsvag... just very 'different' from home.
Dolphins leaping in front of a short ferry crossing from Bognes to somewhere I cant remember.
Looking out towards the Lofoten Islands... looked like somewhere i want to go back to !
A sense of achievement, knowing you'd gone about as far north in Europe as its possible to go, and got back again. !
Two weeks there and I learnt 1 Word
Jordbaer, and it means 'Strawberries' !
If you ever get the chance... don't even stop to consider... just go !
I'd go back in the blink of an eye !
:wink: 8)