Tusses":34onagsj said:'new' technology might be different .... I was talking about 'off the shelf' stuff that you can readily purchase !
Do you have any prices for these super solar panels and bateries ? they sound interesting if they are affordable and available !
I mean - I dont know where my nearest space shuttle spares supplier is
The multi layered solar panels are avaiable on the market for a long time already and cost about 3 times as much. Most solar system supliers and electo store don't have them due to no demand by the ppl that install the systems on houses. They can be ordered by the distributor / importor. There are also a couple of new manufacturers oin the market that are very interesting like amonix and solar systems.
However these companies are targetted more towards the CSP market and not towards the single panel market. CSP (Concentrating Solar Power) is much more cost efficient and less space consuming. A CSP is best viewed as a solar powered energy plant using a large satellite dish type solar collectpr generating many mega watts.
Using batteries is to my opinion not suitable for any kind of energy providing system. They are only suited for providing backup power for critical systems. The traditional bataries are chamical waste generators with a short life span, the more modern non chamical ones are to expensive to get enough capacity (an implotion type batery of about 500Ah (which is still little for regular power supply buffer) is be around $ 8,000- 10,000. The ceramic bateries are about to hit the market and will be much cheaper.
To my opinion the CSPs incombination with main coneected privatly owned smaller scale systems are the way to go. Not to prevent global heating (which is doesn't for many technological, ecological and astronomical effects), not to save money on the energy bill but to be less depended on a single source of energy which is currently fossil fuel and for scientific, technological and ethical progress.