Tusses":rrfg4okc said:
in the grand scheme of things tho - the planet will sort it self out long after we have messed it up and deceased !
Most sensible statement in a long while. =D>
The whole 'global warming / Greenhouse gases' is an utter crock of horse manure.
The globe has continually heated up and cooled down in cycles since Gods Dog was a puppy. And it'll continue to do so.
"Global Warming will melt the polar ice caps and we'll all be flooded"
Total and utter bunkum.
Put ice cubes in a glass of water and let them melt.. what happens to the water level ? it goes DOWN !
Ice expands 4x its own volume of water... there's no LAND under it in the arctic ( there is in the Antarctic ).. its a huge floating mass in the sea... melt some of it and the sea level will categorically go DOWN, guaranteed.
All the Eco-Gonks are totally sucked into this whole 'greenie' idea, which is nowt more than a fashion. In certain quarters it almost becomes a competiton.
Not that long back, on GMTV one morning, Mr & Mrs Treehugger were being extolled as fine examples of modern society, because they fitted an entire week's household refuse into ( I kid you not.. ) a Yoghurt Pot.
What a pile of complete BS.
Don't people realise this whole nonsense is pushed down our throats to allow succesive governments to keep sneaking more and more financial burdens onto the populace ?
Fact : 90% of the worlds so-called Greenhouse Gases are caused by volcanic emissions and rotting vegitation.
one single human hand making any contribution there.
Of the remaining 10%... many of the countries contributing to this dont, and never will, give a monkeys.
But we ( and a few others ) seem to think that we have to make up the shortfall... and even if we do, it ain't gonna amount to bupkiss.
We're being conned.
Take some time to
'really look into it' - there are many, many very well educated men who will completely substantiate this.
Even the 'lines' of the subjects of prominent discussion are totally blurred now ... the other day I was listening to radio 4, - a phone-in about so-called Traffic Congestion, and some buffoon phoned in with a proposed solution of Electric cars... WHAT ??? How does replacing a convenntional car with another - regardless of how its powered, solve congestion ? if anything, a slower electric car will make it worse.
The guy had totally missed the point.. 'blurred the lines'... brainwashed by the rubbish he's reading and being fed by various aspects of the media. In one way, you cant blame him.. if something is continually rammed down your throat, eventually you start to be convinced its the truth.
"Traffic Congestion" is caused by two deliberate actions.
1. The loss of traditional town high-street shops, like greengrocers, butchers etc.. and their replacement with 'outskirts-of-town' supermarkets etc, where 99% of the people using it have to do so, by car, where in years past, people walked to their local high street for the majority of their goods.
1a. - Similarly.. the 'School Run' -- Close down a lot of smaller schools, build bigger but more widely spaced out school locations.. and lo and behold, the 'School Run' problem manifested.
I'd defy anyone to say they dont notice a massive difference in the traffic volume when the schools are on holiday.
Can that 'congestion' be blamed, as we're constantly told, on huge increases in car-ownership ? Course it cant.
2. The deliberate and contrived placing of ridiculous amounts of traffic lights / crossings and their deliberatly slowed 'phasing'.
Totally and absolutely
designed to convince you that we have a congestion problem.. and guess whats gonna be right behind that... yes, the gradual introduction of more and more 'congestion charges' or similar forms of road-tolling by local councils.
You and I are being conned.
Absolutely no doubt about it
"Carbon Footprint" my Aunt Bessie... what a crock.
Rant over.
(till something else starts me off)
I'll have to kick the dog now.
but at least I'm kind to animals... only ever kick him with me slippers on.