If we want to be "fair" about the recent budget - dispassionate, and cold, non-partisan - "fair" analysis would lead to the following deduction:
Of the tax rises announced yesterday, despite the fact that they were "announced" by Labour, the taxation liability was put in place by the previous govt. The prior unfunded and known Tory govt spending included a promise to pay compensation for the Contaminated Blood Scandal to the tune of £12bn. That was unfunded, unbudgeted, but is required to be paid for through taxation. Over and above the known unfunded spending, there was also an unknown unfunded spending promise bill to the tune of over £20bn (see OBR report dated 30 Oct 24)(Tory has tried very hard to conflate these two separate and distinct obligations in the attempt to hoodwink the public into believing that there is only one £20bn unfunded, unbudgeted spending commitments - the known one.).
This £32bn portion of tax increases ought to be accrued to Tory and added to the £80bn figure already stated.