'Shop Time?


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Established Member
13 Apr 2006
Reaction score
Salisbury, UK
I used to work a shift pattern which meant that I had lots of 'shop time in the week :D when SWIMBO was at work. Having recently changed jobs to a 9-5 existence I find that there's a distinct crimp :wink: in my 'shop activities and I'm now limited to a couple of evenings in the week and a day at the weekend :cry:
Am I alone 8-[ or do others put their foot down with a firm hand? - Rob
I work shifts and some weeks I get 3 days at home alone to play. :lol:
Between my wife, the two small children, the garden, the house, a busy reenactment season that takes up most weekends, oh an a 9-5 job. I have not managed to make it into the workshop for 3 weeks now :(

I normally manage one or two evenings a week from about 8-11pm. It does mean that I have to plan my work so that all of the power tools are off by 9:00ish so as to not annoy the neighbours.
Much like you Rob, I work some odd shifts that should, in theory, normally give me plenty of time in the WS when SWMBO is working. The reality is that my health keeps my 'shop time limited, sometimes to only 20mins at a time. It's something I am having to come to terms with, projects will just take me a lot longer than the average woody.
I don't have my workshop finished yet(as you can see from my workshop thread) but when i do,i intend to spend a lot of time in there.I'm in the fortunate position of only having to work to pay my house running bills(no mortgage) and 'er indoors earns a good few bob.She is also very easy going and says that all men need their "cave" to go and be men in.So i cant see much keeping me out of there,especially in the winter.Will also be in there from time to time making stuff for work which i hope to expand 'til i spend all my time in t'shop.
Same as you Rob, although half a day at weekend is more common - unless (day job) work is heavy with long hours, then weeks go by without any time in workshop
I've been thinking about this myself recently. Between the paid job and house stuff I don't think I've actually done anything in the workshop for about 6 weeks. Very frustrating.
Everyday and most nights for me :D I have to its my source of income so the wife sends me down there all the time :D

Just getting over an op so have had a couple of weeks laid up but im back in there everyday again now i just have to sit down a bit more often .

I'm retired,

5 hours cooking,
5 hours music
5 hours computer
5 hours painting
5 hours shopping
5 hours TV
5 hours eating
56 hours sleeping
5 hours gardening
5 hours.........
hardly anytime left for woodwork.
I've only ever worked 9-5 in my jobs (well... 8-5, actually! :x ). Shift work does appeal to me, especially night work. There isn't always a lot else to do in the evenings except sit around watching TV. :)
As I'm sitting in a hotel room in Lagos, Nigeria it's a bit far to pop into my workshop/garage for an hour before dinner.

When I get back on Friday night, having left on Sunday evening, SWMBO will have a major issue if I b*gger off to play for more than a hour or so over the weekend.

That's how life has been the last few years. I tend to get my woodworking fix in large chunks - like a week on a chairmaking course.
Much the same for me last few years.

A demanding job takes up at least 7am to 7pm weekdays, sometimes more, and the large garden and hedges etc take up many weekends, so very little quality time in the workshop and usually only a couple of hours here or there to tidy up or sharpen a few blades or similar, little time to make anything, even a mess :lol:

On the plus side I can indulge myself in a few nice toys, whoops tools :oops: , and give them a polish now and again and look forwards to the day when I do have some free time :D

Cheers, Paul :D
I'm 95% retired, so the main limiting factor on workshop time is 1/2 acre garden and the outside temperature...... really must get some heating in the shop for the 11.5 months of the year up here when it's too d**n cold to feel the ends of your fingers :(
Work 7 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday,on call alternate weeks and weekends.
Often working elsewhere on a weekend,and have the house to run/garden to keep tidy as well,but always try to have at least half a day in the workshop as "me" time 8)

I used to do shift work which my wife hated me doing but the money was good and I liked the job. She kept saying to me to quit work to mind the kids as financially we would be getting the same money, so I did. I get 9:00 to 1:30 before I collect the kids from school to do what I want which is usually in the workshop. Sometimes I get Saturday in the 'shop too but it's mostly family time.
I work shifts if you can call it that, my early shift is 0730 to 1530, and my late shift is 0930 to 1730, so every other week I get time in the workshop
when I'm on earlies I do the dinner.

Well, when I am finally a fully trained Air Traffic Controller, and I have rebuilt my workshop, I will be working 2 early, 2 late and 2 night shifts followed by 4 days off. So I should get a fair amount of time making shavings. :D

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