I'm assuming you're doing a Furniture Studies/Cabinet Making course here - would this be your main piece for the Level 2 part? Did you have to source and pay for your own timber as well; designing and planning everything thoroughly in advance?
The tutors at my college wear the same 'lab coats', funnily enough! Although, one of the guys who does Carpentry & Joinery used to wear one of those one-piece overall jobs, like a painter and decorator.
I've seen some incredible second and third-year pieces at college but, I guess that when you have this kind of idea in your head, you don't spare even a single thought as to how you're gonna get it home at the end of the day! :wink:
OPJ - I'm doing City and Guilds - Furniture Production. It's not really level 2, as i finished the set project 3 months early, so i started it towards the end of level 2. During level 3 we have free reign on what we would like to produce. We have to pay for our own timber if we decide to make something largish. I try and design and plan out my next project before the existing one ends, therefore not loosing too much practical time at college.
Dan - Cheers, I'll tell my parents what you said about the carpet. :lol: