In addition to woodworking I also climb, in climbing there are a subset of climbers that feel that using ropes means you don't climb at your best and don't maintain the same level of concentration. These guys are called free solo climbers, you can find a pretty comphensive list of the most famous free soloers if you head to the free solo wiki page and then drop down to the Climber fatalities section.
Statistically these guy are absolutely the best in terms of not falling, a regular climber will fall many times in their careers but on average free solo climbers only ever fall once.
For climbers rudimentary safety involves using safety equipment that is available and a culture of encouraging safety in other climbers, especially new and inexperienced climbers. This attitude makes climbing a safe sport. Now if you went to a climbing forum and discouraged people from using ropes you would be banned pretty instantly.
Discouraging the use of safety equipment that can save lives because it will make people less safe is a logical fallacy. The tablesaw is objectivly the most dangerous woodworking powertool and injuries are devastating and sometimes fatal, no amount of rudimental safety changes the fact you are moving your hands towards a spinning blade or human nature and the capacity for error and neither does survivorship bias or situations can occur that are out of our control.
Rudiemental woodworking safety that discourages the use of objectively safer equipment is out of touch and out of date.
Statistically these guy are absolutely the best in terms of not falling, a regular climber will fall many times in their careers but on average free solo climbers only ever fall once.
For climbers rudimentary safety involves using safety equipment that is available and a culture of encouraging safety in other climbers, especially new and inexperienced climbers. This attitude makes climbing a safe sport. Now if you went to a climbing forum and discouraged people from using ropes you would be banned pretty instantly.
Discouraging the use of safety equipment that can save lives because it will make people less safe is a logical fallacy. The tablesaw is objectivly the most dangerous woodworking powertool and injuries are devastating and sometimes fatal, no amount of rudimental safety changes the fact you are moving your hands towards a spinning blade or human nature and the capacity for error and neither does survivorship bias or situations can occur that are out of our control.
Rudiemental woodworking safety that discourages the use of objectively safer equipment is out of touch and out of date.