Rodding it out.

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Established Member
11 Mar 2022
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The most enjoyable work. Tapered ecliptical curves trammelled, templated on the band and spoke shaved to suit the rod, when it all lays on the lines it’s fantastic.



The Rod dictates all.

That's great work. Why did you not template on the spindle? And the question what's it for?
Thanks Johnny, I get all my templates out by hand, when I am happy they are good, i run multiples out on the follower/bearing, particularly on multipliers like this to check it’s doesn’t shrink or grow along the rod.
When I’m happy I take the template to spindle out all the stock.
This is an entrance gate

Very impressive work, I see many hours of preparation and planning and then the work itself. Awesome 👏👏
Thanks for that. Yeah, it is a lot of hours, about 10 to draw the rod and get the templates out, and what you see there on the bench in wood is about 7 days work so far.
Still a lot of work on it yet, once I’ve biscuit jointed the curves and screwed the lattice work together, I’ll get out a giant template for the ring fence, and push these around the spindle in one piece to form the tenons that go into the rails.
It’s superb work things like this, always on your toes

Can’t deny it that is awesome in every aspect, you have some serious skills and the patience to match it , keeping it real 👍
Thank you for that. I appreciate your interest and your kind words. There is lots and lots of interesting work involved in a job like this. Loads of machines get used, lots of jigs, various templates, tools and power tools aplenty.

Thank you for that. I appreciate your interest and your kind words. There is lots and lots of interesting work involved in a job like this. Loads of machines get used, lots of jigs, various templates, tools and power tools aplenty.

All in all - be it by machine and jigs etc or hand tools / powertools it’s still I imagine and enormous amount of work and time and the results are amazing. 👍👍
All in all - be it by machine and jigs etc or hand tools / powertools it’s still I imagine and enormous amount of work and time and the results are amazing. 👍👍
Yes it is indeed a lot of time, probably the best past of 3 weeks to make the woodwork and I’ll be about 3/4 days on the metal work.
The salient detail about this type of project, is the ‘eggs all in one basket’ type of machining. What I mean by that is if you take the lattice work for an example (the bottom criss/cross infill) all of that is tennoned in one long finished piece, as that’s the most productive and sensible option, however the caveat with that is any breakout or issue whatsoever renders all of it useless. The same goes with the arches. All glued up and finished before they are actually ‘finished’ but with careful planning it is no problem.

That is most impressive. Also like the extra long bar cramps! I’ve fastened two together end to end and I’ve seen the old cramp heads - supply your own bit of wood, but haven’t seen your method before, neat!