Riots - Bring on the army

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Established Member
19 Apr 2010
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Come on Cameron, let's get this sorted... I know there's no oil to fight over, but you need to deal with these parasitic scum... The police clearly can't cope. Water canon, rubber bullets, tear gas - bring it on... Or ring Obama and see if you can borrow Chuck Norris.

Suppose because as it's in GB it's big news. Something similar happens on a regular basis over here, rubber bullets, water cannon, bit of gunfire, the odd blast bomb. Suppose we're used to it, we generally refer to it as "a bit of bother" rather than riots or "a war zone" as the media seems to be fond of describing things over the past 2 or 3 days.
Just looked at the aerial footage from Peckham, Lewisham etc, a few burning building etc but not a fire engine in sight. Odd.
Certainly plenty of people about taking advantage of unofficial opening hours for PC World, Currys etc.........
I wonder how long it will take before vigilante groups of concerned sensible people take to the streets and knock seven bells of excrement into some of these youths!

This is just the start of the this space....

Noel":ywwgyth9 said:
Suppose because as it's in GB it's big news. Something similar happens on a regular basis over here, rubber bullets, water cannon, bit of gunfire, the odd blast bomb.

where are you noel?

Sunny NI (that's a lie,it's raining...).
As Patrick Keilty said earlier tonight: "Thinking of heading back to Belfast to get away from all this rioting".......
jimi43":3r8k6xg3 said:
I wonder how long it will take before vigilante groups of concerned sensible people take to the streets and knock seven bells of excrement into some of these youths!

This is just the start of the this space....


Not too long I hope. They are just using the supposed 'tensions' as an excuse.
That said, I do feel the Police have been given too many powers under supposed 'anti-terror laws', and have experienced first hand the arrogant attitude and abuse of those powers from some officers. Something which creates resentment of the Police Force as a whole, so they are doing their colleagues no favours.
Noel":26jvwozk said:
Suppose because as it's in GB it's big news. Something similar happens on a regular basis over here, rubber bullets, water cannon, bit of gunfire, the odd blast bomb. Suppose we're used to it, we generally refer to it as "a bit of bother" rather than riots or "a war zone" as the media seems to be fond of describing things over the past 2 or 3 days.
Just looked at the aerial footage from Peckham, Lewisham etc, a few burning building etc but not a fire engine in sight. Odd.
Certainly plenty of people about taking advantage of unofficial opening hours for PC World, Currys etc.........

A bit of bother, nah, we refer to it as a good time.. :D

I had to laugh some kid with a gun gets shot so they riot... er he had a gun, so he pretty much got what he deserved. Had he not been shot but shot some other kid then there would have been a storm on why weren't the police there and why he had a gun and how society has failed etc etc..

Lets face it as with in NI the police are damned if they do and damned if they don't.
You mean they are all black ? Something that no TV presenter dared mention.

It's certainly created a massive backlash - race relations in this country have been set back decades after this.

Judges need to sentence those caught immediately though - a 8-10 year sentence for nicking an ipad will certainly make the rest of the yobs think twice.
Bring on the army! Brilliant. Who remembers that there were riots in Belfast and we had to send the army in in 1969!

What I want to know is what drives these people - not looking for excuses, but explanations.
"The Great Wave" is an interesting read.

It's not all bad news - bankers and directors are still paying themselves record breaking bonusses, property prices are holding up well, cuts are beginning to bite and keeping taxes down, inequality is rising and the wealthy are being able to accumulate more wealth, we are going to spend less on health, education, welfare, universal free education is a thing of the past, the Murdochs are going to get away with it, MPs are still claiming expenses, the Met police corruption will be whitewashed, the Bullingdon boys are showing their mettle, tuition fees will keep the riff-raff out of higher ed.
So don't worry - part of the population have never had it so good and their future is bright.
Jacob":34am4yii said:
What I want to know is what drives these people - not looking for excuses, but explanations.
"The Great Wave" is an interesting read.

They are mostly driven by a need for a "Blackberry" or the latest trainers
Tom K":1bjll3aj said:
Jacob":1bjll3aj said:
What I want to know is what drives these people - not looking for excuses, but explanations.
"The Great Wave" is an interesting read.

They are mostly driven by a need for a "Blackberry" or the latest trainers

And without the inconvenience of paying for them.
What vision this scum must have.
Tom K":1bq6ygps said:
They are mostly driven by a need for a "Blackberry"

not needed; the rioters/thieves already have them - it was reported (R4) that they were being used to coordinate the event.

In the US the National Gaurd would be brought in and shoot any looters on sight.

Although I am not a big fan of the USA this is one thing they have got right.

Maybe the army should be brought home from the oil and mineral wars they are fighting.

tomatwark":2pzpja8v said:
In the US the National Gaurd would be brought in and shoot any looters on sight.

I'd certainly second that!

It's bordering on a pineapple take - stand back, don't do anything, claim the overtime (the Police that is) and then the cost for the legal aid and finally the incarceration. No wonder the country is upto the eyeball in debt!

I say bring in the farmers as they are able to control herds of marauding animals also get in private security in as they can control huge unruly mobs at pop fetivals.
So it's "scum want blackberries, shoot the scum"? Simple!
RogerS":1f7s18m4 said:
tomatwark":1f7s18m4 said:
In the US the National Gaurd would be brought in and shoot any looters on sight.


So what happens if an innocnent party gets caught up in it?..and accidently gets shot. Think very carefully about what you're advocating here because the sactioned use of lethal force on our own population makes us no better than Syria or Gadaffi. There are better non-lethal methods to control a rabble like this - Rob
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