You're welcome

I've assumed you're using a resin that has been pre-accelerated, so all you needed to do was add the MEKP.?
I'd advise cleaning the old 'goopy' stuff out as best you can, and then use acetone on cotton buds to further clean the crack/hole before trying again. It NEEDS to be clean/clear of all traces of the previous mix or the new mix won't stick to the wood. If you have a Dremel with a fine sanding bit, again advise is to give it a sand even after the acetone wash.
If its just tiny cracks/splits in the wood and you just want to fill them as its a 'nice piece of wood' and you're not really worried about the overal finish (unless the resin has been coloured it'll just appear as a blackish line anyway) you could try the old trick of stuffing/ramming the crack/hole with sawdust of the same type of wood (doesn't have to be...) and using
thin superglue dribble it into/onto the sawdust. Let it go hard and continue.