Definitely not. If you use a casting resin such as glasscast it will fill voids fine without and special pressure / vacuum equipment.I would like to try using resin to fill voids before turning, is it really necessary to have a vacuum pot? If it is it's a step to far for me so any advice on doing without would be useful.
What resin are you using? Something that can be used to fill cracks and will set in an hour or sounds pretty useful.I have only filled small voids and cracks with resin. For most of those you wouldn't need a vacuum or pressure pot but they would make life easier in some instances. Just make sure that the void is horizontal and that any way routes like cracks for the resin to escape from are taped up. I assure you, resin will find a a route out if it can. Use something like Bluetack to make a dam or lake on curved surfaces A hair dryer may come in handy too. Drop some resin into the void, give it a few seconds of warm air and the resin become runny and sink lower into the void. Repeat this until it stops sinking. But, keep an eye on it, resin might seem thick but it tends to find its way into or out of other cracks and voids like water so you may have to top it up. Within and hour you can turn over you piece and fill other voids the same way. It might seem time consuming and on something like a bowl mounted on a lathe it might take several mix-ups but it can be done in a morning and it is very economical on the resin. Also you can mix different colours for each void if you fancied. Bigger voids, root balls, etc will need the pressure/vacuum pots which I have no experience with. I understand that with any of the procedures you will need to leave it at least 24 hours before turning the piece. Longer if you can.
I just had to ask my nephew but he can't remember the name of it either. He cast 45's into a bar top. I get what he has left over from some of the building jobs he has. I can tell you that it was crystal clear and was a 50/50 mix. Although it wouldn't be ready until the following day to turn, you could turn the bowl over to fill other voids once it had started to go-off. I'll update you it I find the name of it because I would like to use it again. Another one that I experimented with and it works fine but only if colouring it, was some GRP he had left over. Also, Zap Z-Poxy 15 minute for the real small stuff. Both of them in my opinion are only suitable for small cracks and voids.What resin are you using? Something that can be used to fill cracks and will set in an hour or sounds pretty useful.
He thinks it was called Resin Glory. I looked it up and there is a resin called that but the bottles look different. My bottles were very flowery. They could have changed the labels I suppose. It's mixed 1:1 and no detectable odour as I remember.What resin are you using? Something that can be used to fill cracks and will set in an hour or sounds pretty useful.
The casting resins are great for filling small gaps - if the resin part if warm before mixing I think they get into almost anything without pressure, but are a right faff for cracks in bowls as it takes so long to set.
Ive only just started wood turning but I brought a resin kit off Amazon. I just mixed it as per instruction and poured it into the cracks, just taped over the otherside to stop it seeping out the otherside. Used it in infill aswell, the hardest part was polishing it back to a glossy shineI would like to try using resin to fill voids before turning, is it really necessary to have a vacuum pot? If it is it's a step to far for me so any advice on doing without would be useful.
This is true. Vacuum removes the air incorporated in to the resin when you mix it and before you pour it.I use a presure pot but only where largish volumes of resin are being used in the piece - for small crack/voids there's generaly no need - just ensure the resin is warm so it flows well into the space and as highlighted above - ensure the piece is sealed as resin is like Houdini - one tip - use Hot glue to seal and or create dams around areas where the resin is to be pored.
I read somewhere (but can't remember were) that presure pots don't actually remove the bubles from resin but they do compress them to such an extent they're not visible.