Bodrighy":2kirpq77 said:
They are not desperately expensive. Have a look
here for examples. There are other sites as well so maybe cheaper alternatives are possible.
Nice one Pete ... little thought.. your link when I clicked it didn't go directly to the 'enamel' page --> ( this is the enamels )...
Looks like min qty is 100 for small round two-colour jobbies. 8)
Orxy is right I suspect.. people may well be watching, awaiting a 'definitive figure' ...
( I would imagine 100 wouldn't be a crazy demand from here.. )
BSM is also quite right .. Site Owners' 'veto' would be at the very least, 'manners' ... can't imagine an objection .. it promotes the site, even slightly un-intentionally.
As stated back on page 1 .. its the collation of getting the cash in, thats the banana-skin.
It's workable if there's 'committment / money sent to the 'collator' and by a set deadline,' before any order being placed.
( as long as someone is prepared to be the 'collator' )
Tam's oval ( or very similar ) in Enamel... 'Circular' if its cheaper...
to have a bit of quality feel to the thing....
and the 'permission' of Charley....
and the job's a good 'un.