Proxxon, Dremmel mini thingies

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24 Aug 2008
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Essex/ Suffolk border
I have friends whose son is a model maker. They want to buy him a mini multi-task thingy for Christmas, and don't know what to look for, or whether there is any difference between any of the brands. There seem to be 2 main ones , Proxxon and Dremmel, with one or two own-brand ones such as Axminster's. Is there any real difference?

Can anyone enlighten him, through me? Does anyone know of particular bargains at the moment?


Mike - Proxxon, no question (made in Germanski :wink: ) great little tools for all sorts of small stuff - Rob

I've been using one of those that I picked up from Aldi a couple of years ago for £12. It was used quite alot and worked surprisingly well right up until recently when the speed controller decided it liked full rpm all of the time :evil: I took it apart and cleaned the controller contact but to no avail.

Whichever one ends up being bought, a flexible shaft is very useful for more detailed work where holding the actual machine becomes too cumbersome.

The sets from Aldi / Lidl are pretty good value for starting out. I've seen a single Dremmel bit going for more than one of these sets!

Not really looked at Proxxon much, but I know Dremmel have a very wide range of attachments that can expand its usefulness, especially for a model maker.
I have the Axminster version with flexi shaft attachment and removable base so you can use it as a mini router - very good for doing inlays in guitar necks.

The flexi shaft bit takes a little working out and more than once it has tried to do me in
Thanks guys......great stuff. Keep it coming! I'll pass this on to my friend, and will have a little play myself after Xmas.

I have a Ryobi one from the States. I can't compare to the other makes as I have no experience but something that annoys the hell out of me is having to constantly change the collet due to different diameter tool shafts - plain silly! Other than that the Ryobi does everything I ask of it. One other though... mine is a mains one which suits me perfectly. I use it very occasionally and it would be a pain if it were rechargeable. That said, if it's going to be used a lot then rechargeable has obvious benefits provided it has spare batteries or can be run directly of the mains too.
As a youngster, decades ago, I was bought a 12V "Precision Petite" drill and stand for Christmas. This was pre-Dremel days. But very good for all sorts of modeling, spinning up gyroscopes (!), and then as I grew up it became a useful drill for printed circuit boards. I still have it for very fine drilling.

Two years ago I bought the £40 Proxxon after recommendations on here, and very pleased with it I am too. Much beefier than my old 12V one, but still manageable. It comes with a chuck as opposed to a collet, so is very versatile out of the box using many of the drills and grindstones I already had. I've been surprised how often I've used the little 1" saw blades - excellent for plastic hacking like the piping for the bandsaw dust extraction and modifying equipment cases.

A Proxxon (as that's what I know) will be useful to a young modeler and will grow with the lad and stay useful for all kinds of DIY or workshop jobs. Well recommended :D

Whatever you get, it will be useful if you have the right cutters and bits. The Swiss Army Knife of powertools. I have a 25 year old hand held Dremel, an Aldi look a like which is really good. A 1/3rd HP Dremel flex drive, and plenty of bits and cutters and sanders, diamond and carbide rotary files. As I said, a useful tool.
I got a Clarke one, for polishing in akward places. The machine is what you'd exect from Clarke, but the accessories work out pretty quick. If I were to buy another, I'd look elsewhere.
Looks like I'm the only one for the Dremel, not used the Proxxon so can't comment. I think the Dremmel is more expensive than the Proxxon and for doing the required tasks I.m sure there both much of a muchness.
Another vote for Dremel. I got mine from Dremel-direct who had a special offer on, think it's still on, that included quite a few extras for free. Had a rechargeable one from Maplin, it was OK but the batteries took an eternity to charge and (sods law) always ran out when I needed to use them so, flogged it and got the Dremel.
Dremel for me as well & as others have said mains power & flexible shaft.

Mike Garnham":2lj3tkkb said:
I have friends whose son is a model maker. They want to buy him a mini multi-task thingy for Christmas,



Come on Mike, if you want to buy a new tool we`ll understand!!! :wink: :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I saw some cordless Dremmels in a fine little case with tools at a bootfair the other day....


Wish I had bought a set for £25 it was a bargain!

I have a variable speed mains powered one and it is a superb tool...

I think the difference between the cheap ones and the Dremmel is the longevity....this thing can take some serious stress without flinching...I am sure it will last for ever.

Not had experience with the Proxxon...I have no doubt that being of "German" (is it really or just assembled there) manufacture it is probably better.

Mike, I have a "Minicraft" and use it for all sorts of things as diverse as signing my name on items I sell / give away, cutting railway lines, and routing out for keyhole plates.

Must haves are:-

mains - rechargables don't always have the power
a chuck not collets - too fiddly
a flexible shaft - the main drill can be cumbersome in tight spaces and its heavy after prolonged use

and most important IMO a foot pedal on/off switch - much easier to control the drill

I have had a number of these things over the years as I have done all sorts of things from making Airfix kits for nephew, to dolls houses for my niece and model engineering for myself and recently architectural landscape models for my wife (she's a garden designer!) - James May would love me !!! :lol:

Anyway I had originally a Minicraft one but they tend to burn out as they are really light duty. The Dremmels are good but expensive (as are the bits for it) so I imagine that will have a bearing.

I have ended up with a unit from Aldi which I have had for about 2 years and has turned out to be the best of the bunch really. It came with a stand, flexible shaft and works with either a small standard chuck or with collets, it also has a variable speed. It's also within the price range that if it goes belly up I can buy another one, it also has the advantage that you get lots of free bits with it and if you find it in Aldi you will generally find the pack of accessories that goes with it.

I haven't used the Proxxon tools so cannot really comment but having used the Minicraft versions they tend to be under powered

Hope that helps

I bought a Performance Pro set - £39.99 (might even have been less - I bouht an extra pack of spinny bits with it) vari-speed, quite powerful, c/w stand, flexi-shaft and a generous selection of spinny bits. I was pleasantly surprised - despite its low price, it actually is well made and a very good tool indeed! Probably about £150 worth for equivalent Proxxon or Dremel kit.