Proposed workshop build

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Motar is mainly used to keep the bricks apart not glue them together. A NHL 3.5 mix will be a direct replacement for a cement mix and is specified quite often nowadays for face work . You can get it in builders merchants easily or get bagged premix online. It's best to mix dry then add water to give a slightly dry mix ,rest for 5 mins then mix again to give the right consistency . No plasticizer or additives. It's stickier than cement so you may have to scrape the back of the mixer halfway through.
Engineering bricks have better strength and can be used where they will permanently wet. If neither of those apply then normal bricks should be ok.
My brick plinth is nearly completed I just need to decide on door opening size, current thinking is a pair of 3' doors which I will make.

Bit of opinion and advice needed here though, do I mount my frames directly onto the plinth with dpc or mount a soleplate first? Secondly should I add a 50mm thermal block to the inside and lose space meaning I can set my frame back from the front of the brick or can I just use the single course thickness?
Use a soleplate, the last one I did I painted the bottom face with bitumen paint. A soleplate will spread out the load, can be fixed first and then easier to fix frames to it afterwards. As for doors, only you know what needs to be moved into and out of your workshop and the important size is the actual opening size and not the doors.
If you were going to build internal block walls you should have built in ties across outside wall to thermal block if you haven’t it’s too late, build stud wall and fill with rock wool
It's got plus and against for a sole plate every time you go in the doors you will have to step over the extra height of the sole plate and door frame,yes it has plus to be able to fix frame down especially as you are talking double doors are you raising the floor inside if not I would think about door height,good luck
I can use a more decorative brick then?

Maybe not quite on topic, but brick related.

How's this for decorative brickwork.
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