Petrol Stations

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IQ falls as an IQ of 100 is an average. This level falls as people of below average IQ tend to have more children.

It is known in animal breeding that females are more fertile when slimmed down - pigs used to be virtually starved before mating.
in ~40 years (assuming current reserve estimates are correct) we won't have a choice. Regardless of climate change or pollution, fossil fuels are finite. They will run out, no ifs or buts, just a question of when.
Oil price shocks over the last 20 years should have bounced that out of anyone's mindset by now. It is not as if the situation will continue as normal until the last drop of oil anywhere is extracted, as existing fields are drained the supply drops and the follow up sources are less immediately attractive (more expensive to exploit), the price will rise and the range of purposes for which it can be profitably used decrease as people switch to cheaper alternatives.

In 100, 200, even 500 years time you'll still be able to get oil products. Where they come from may change, e.g. tar sands, coal tar possibly even entirely synthesised from something else, but you'll be able to derive anything you want even with today's technology. The issue is price point. Over those kinds of timescales I would assume it will become primarily a raw material, it will eventually end up sounding comical you would do anything so wasteful as burning it.
They are trying to get rid of cars, Why not planes, trains, ships, generators, and trucks. They all use fuel and diesel but its only cars that are targeted. which means you will still be able to get diesel, For example boat yards will still sell it.
PP "IQ falls as an IQ of 100 is an average. This level falls as people of below average IQ tend to have more children."

....and this was my point. But without being explicit. :whistle: The bell curve shifts imperceptibly to the left and the advent of job destruction courtesy of AI & automation will tend to exacerbate this (as what do people do when not working...) Global redistribution of dispossessed and economically deprived people, accelerated by climate change, may accelerate this resulting in humanity becoming equally coloured and less intellectually capable as a generality will have interesting results beyond our lifetimes. The gulf between the haves and have nots may well widen.
PP "IQ falls as an IQ of 100 is an average. This level falls as people of below average IQ tend to have more children."
People with higher education but not necessarily high IQ , statistically have less children.

Less educated/indoctrinated people statistically have more children.

Less educated/indoctrinated people still produce high IQ children and people with higher education still produce low IQ children.

I'd be interested to find the statistics on that.
Have a look at the comedy film Idiocracy. Not a great watch but based on the IQ dropping as the less intelligent/poorly educated have more children than the intelligent/better educated.
People with higher education but not necessarily high IQ , statistically have less children.

Less educated/indoctrinated people statistically have more children.

Less educated/indoctrinated people still produce high IQ children and people with higher education still produce low IQ children.

I'd be interested to find the statistics on that.
Inherited characteristics tend towards the norm. Thick parents tend to have brighter kids, and vice versa.
The problem is that kids may inherit the disadvantaged circumstances of their parents, which may hold them back.
Another problem is that thick children of privileged parents may get "qualified" beyond their abilities and end up in positions of power and influence. Hence we get old Etonian morons as PMs.
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Have a look at the comedy film Idiocracy. Not a great watch but based on the IQ dropping as the less intelligent/poorly educated have more children than the intelligent/better educated.
Malign propaganda and does not happen in the real world.
Phasing out IC engines for you and I trying to get to the store or work is not a big problem. The real problem is the amounts of fuel needed to farm, get it to processors and distributors, truck, ship and fly the food to near us and then get it to a store. Same goes for just about every product we need including glue, wood, finishes and fasteners. The car is visible and easy to pick on. Real answer is to reduce the birth rate so there isn't such a big demand on the earth's resources. I know. Not going to happen.

To use your own phrase, Pete; not going to happen. Mainly because it's not a 'real' answer.
They be 'Them - The others'! :eek::alien::devilish:
I wonder if it’s the same ‘They’ who are taking all the jobs, the same ‘They’ who are (or where depending on your viewpoint, running the country in to the ground or the ‘They’ that are scrounging all the benifits. I suspect from the context it’s the ‘They’ who are running large businesses.
Various articles and studies cite declining make and female fertility as a factor. Dietary and environmental factors. It would be interesting to map changes in IQ as the population alters.
Adrian, this point totally ignores the fact that a lot of ladies are choosing to have families later - if at all. That they put lifestyle and/or job prospects first instead of toeing the mysogenistic line of "little woman home, in the kitchen" seems to have escaped some so-called compilers notice? This practice would, of course, "skew" the statistics at least upwards (older) on the age scale.
I.Q. is a very contentious concept and open to multitudinous cultural baises. Not something I would blindly subscribe to as a measure of intelligence. Chimps are faster in logic/reaction puzzles than humans.
Maybe petrol stations need to diversify - like selling hydrogen - which Toyota at least see as the future.
It sounds very tempting, doesn't it, to replace petrol with hydrogen, just fill up with hydrogen like we do with petrol, and back on the road again. No range anxiety or having to find a charging point that works to recharge your electric car. But there's rather more to it than filling your tank with petrol. The hydrogen would be at high pressure compression at service stations, typical pressure levels are 3 - 4 MPa (Megapascal) for pre-compression stages for filling of collecting tanks, and 25 - 30 MPa for storage tanks in fast-fill applications. 1 MPa = 145 PSI, so 30MPa = 4,350PSI).

Presently, the only benefit of using hydrogen to power cars would be to reduce inner city pollution, because when hydrogen is burnt in a car engine it combines with oxygen to produce only H2O (water vapour) at the tail pipe, clouds form, rain falls and the water cycle is complete. But Hydrogen is only found in nature in compound form, so it must first be produced through the use of a primary energy source, before hydrogen itself becomes available as a secondary energy source, and that's anything but 'environmentally friendly'.

Primary and secondary energy sources for hydrogen production:

The primary energy source presently used in hydrogen production is from fossil fuels via natural gas reforming as well as the partial oxidation of heavy fuel oil (or Diesel) and coal. Other processes are in the research and development phases, perhaps the most promising of which is the gasification of biomass, but there is the possibility of direct production of hydrogen from algae subjected to solar radiation.

However, it isn’t what is technically possible, but what is commercially feasible that matters. Presently, only the biomass gasification process is likely to come to the market as a competitive product within the next few years. Electricity is presently the only energy source used to produce hydrogen, either by the electrolysis of water or as a by-product resulting from the chlorine-alkaline electrolysis.

Water electrolysis is independent of primary energy use and as such is seen as the essential element of a hydrogen-based energy sector. As another secondary energy based production method, the reforming of methanol in mobile applications could play a role in the near future.

Production from fossil fuels:

Of the approximately 500 Bil. Nm3 of hydrogen traded worldwide, the vast majority originates from fossil fuel sources (natural gas, oil) as a by-product in the chemical industry during the manufacture of PVC (e.g. chlorine-alkaline electrolysis) or from crude oil refining processes. All in all, the production of hydrogen as by-product accounts for 190 Bil. Nm3 worldwide (38%), of which about 2% or 10 Bil. Nm3 stems from chlorine-alkaline electrolysis (or in Germany, 4.5% of the total 19 Bil. Nm3 of hydrogen produced there).

Production from electricity by means of electrolysis:

Of the various procedures to produce hydrogen from water, electrolysis is presently, and for the foreseeable future, the only one of practical importance. Water electrolysis in its conventional form, alkaline electrolysis, has been in commercial use for over 80 years.

Up until the end of the eighties, only a small and declining portion of approximately 0,5 - 1 Bil. Nm3/a that is 0,1-0,2% of the world production of hydrogen, was directly produced by electrolysis, mainly in connection with hydro power. Even this small quantity is declining since the electrolytic production of hydrogen for fertilizer manufacture is no longer competitive with production from natural gas due to falling energy prices.

Because electrolytically produced hydrogen is created indirectly via the energy carrier 'electricity', this process is only economically feasible in places where electricity can be extremely cheaply generated. This is generally only possible with large scale hydro systems (Egypt, Brazil, Iceland, Canada, Norway, Zaire), or with excess energy from the primary and secondary control of existing power station capacity with significant nuclear component (France, Belgium, Switzerland, some German Electric Utilities).

Storage and transportation of hydrogen:

Depending on the desired use, hydrogen must be either compressed or liquefied. Compression of hydrogen is carried out in the same way as for natural gas. It is sometimes even possible to use the same compressors, as long as the appropriate gaskets (e.g. Teflon) are used and provided the compressed gas can be guaranteed to be oil free.

Since hydrogen compression is carried out in the same way as compression of natural gas, the procedure is well tested and readily available. New developments are mainly associated with the optimisation of the individual units within the total concept, with the primary application here being the high pressure compression at service stations. Typical pressure levels are 3 - 4 MPa (Megapascal) for pre-compression stages for filling of collecting tanks, and 25 - 30 MPa for storage tanks in fast fill applications. 1 MPa = 145 PSI, so 30MPa = 4,350PSI). The fast fill process is achieved by an over pressure over the pressure level in the vehicle tank being filled (20 or even 25 MPa). The choice of the highest pressure level is primarily dependent on the maximum permitted pressure that the storage tank can withstand (modern tanks constructed from composite materials are rated for up to 30 MPa). Because of the logarithmic relationship between pressure and work required for compression, the increased energy required for a higher filling pressure is not that great. Thus the compression from 0.1 to 30 MPa needs only 10% more energy than the compression from 0.1 to 20 MPa.

Environmental impact​

As of 2020, most hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels, resulting in carbon dioxide emissions. This is often referred to as grey hydrogen when emissions are released to the atmosphere, and blue hydrogen when emissions are captured through carbon capture and storage (CCS). Blue hydrogen has been estimated to have a carbon footprint 20% greater than burning gas or coal for heat and 60% greater when compared to burning diesel for heat.

Hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources is often referred to as green hydrogen. There are two practical ways of producing hydrogen from renewable energy sources. One is to use power to gas, in which electric power is used to produce hydrogen from power to gas, and the other is to use landfill gas to produce hydrogen in a steam reformer. Hydrogen produced from nuclear energy via electrolysis is sometimes viewed as a subset of green hydrogen, but can also be referred to as pink hydrogen.

So yes, you can power cars with hydrogen, but as things stand, at much higher cost and greater adverse environmental impact then petrol or diesel.

I've attached a paper which goes into more detail for anyone who might be interested.


  • Hydrogen - Primary and secondary energy sources for production.pdf
    157 KB