Price of Fuel

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I would agree that it would be fairer but whether it could be deemed to be fair is another matter. Mind you it's not fair that those living in remote areas already pay more for their fuel - coupled with the greater distances that have to be travelled to access amenities. Until recently, my visits to the dentist entailed a round trip of 90 miles, though the hospital, by comparison, is a mere 70 miles. :giggle:
🤣😂😆 That hasn’t happened to me for Donkeys years. And I’d hardly have called it massive!
You've obviously not been on the M62 when the Ouse bridge was closed, roughly 110 miles round trip diversion depending on the south bank end point.
🤣😂😆 That hasn’t happened to me for Donkeys years. And I’d hardly have called it massive!
I've recently been advised about roadworks close to me and given the recommened 'diversions' both for HGVs & 'other' vehicles.

Under normal conditions the distance between the two points affected is 1.7 miles and takes 2 minutes. The other vehicles diversion amounts to 14 miles and 20 minutes and the HGV diversion 24.2 miles and 33 minutes.

I consider both of these 'massive'.
Road Diversions.png
Likely an overnight tariff, what used to be economy 7, is that still a thing? When electric demand is low pushing the excess into batteries is a great solution for the providers.
The radio signal (RTS) that controlled Economy 7is being switched off on 30th June 2025 according to Ofgem.
I've recently been advised about roadworks close to me and given the recommened 'diversions' both for HGVs & 'other' vehicles.

Under normal conditions the distance between the two points affected is 1.7 miles and takes 2 minutes. The other vehicles diversion amounts to 14 miles and 20 minutes and the HGV diversion 24.2 miles and 33 minutes.

I consider both of these 'massive'.View attachment 185012
It’s tough, but you’ll get over it. In the scheme of things I expect the “extra” revenue from diversions like this in road pricing would be a very minimal amount. Just something to complain about. If the Government want to introduce road pricing they won’t care about a perceived tiny percentage increase due to road works.
Currently overnight power demand is ~10GW less than during the day. Energy companies encourage overnight use by reducing night rates. As the number of EVs increase, spare night capacity will diminish together with the low rates.

Simple assumption - 5 hours of cheap rate electricity will allow a typical EV with a substantially discharged battery of (say) 40-70kw to be fully recharged at (say)10kwh. Not all EVs will need recharging every night - a single charge of 50kwh per week = 150-200 miles.

Although 10GW spare capacity could charge 1m EVs at 10kw, EVs are not the only potential users of cheap rates - battery storage systems can also benefit. It is likely the gap between full and cheap rates will diminish long before all spare capacity is used.

There are ~1.2m EVs already on UK roads, due to increase by ~0.4m in 2024. In 3 years time - say end 2027 - I would guess EVs registered will have increased to ~4m. Spare capacity will be substantially reduced from current levels and the cheap/standard rates to rapidly converge.

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