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A couple of things I finished recently.
A table for my mother, to put her cup of coffee on next to her chair when she is watching.... dare I even say it... Emmerdale (oh the horror...😱).
The wood is Pau Rosa. This is probably the most beautiful timber I have ever worked with but, man oh man, it is a total pain! The central column is made from a single plank, cut in to eight strips with the correct bevel and then "folded" round to make appearance of a solid piece of wood. It is very very hard so you have to keep sharpening cutting tools. The upside to that is that you can sand it to mirror finish. I used tung oil to finish it but I'm not happy with the result (probably my lack of skill). I may re-sand it and just wax it.

I also made some toy dogs for my 2 year old great niece and nephew (twins). Mostly Linden wood; ya gotta use offcuts for something :)
Love the dogs!
Just knocked up a carved sign for a mates gun shop, wood is local monterey cypress, came out ok I reckon.
Scotch bonnet
Ghost (naga moriche)
Chocolate habenero

And milder varieties In another greenhouse and outside
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Scotch bonnet
Ghost (naga moriche)
Chocolate habenero

And milder varieties I'm another greenhouse ang outside
Great choices, I'm a diehard Scotch Bonnet fan, wonderful when home-grown, they add a huge amount of depth to whatever they're added to, not just heat.

Looks amazing but If you are selling these you probably need to be wary of copyright.
The wand is a gift for a colleagues 50th birthday, she's a huge Harry Potter fan so I went the extra mile and made the box, if I sell them I won't be doing boxes, the box took longer to make than the wand 🤪
This was a tricky one. It was a part of the course so I had to rush it a bit but I'll remake one similar and have it as a base to a table. One leg has a single notch, one has 2 notches and the third has none. It slides straight through. Unfortunately I can't work out how to add the video of the assembly so there's a pic of it part assembled