If this is a one-off, I found Just4funs suggestion is quick cheap and practical. Its 15 minutes or less to make a trammel of that size. If you need to change the diameter a lot, then probably best to buy a quality trammel. Compass's get unwieldy at that size, although both quit hard to keep the point in place for both trammel and compass at longer diams. If just a few uses, its quicker and cheaper to make it. Home made work very well.
Another benefit of Trammels vs compass is its easyer to make an ellipses as well as circles, you just use the major and minor axis, whereas many more measurments with a compass. Here is one I was using recently, its a foot long, its actuallly a bit easyer to make longer ones accurately.
A tips on making, drill pilot hole for the nail, and from the bottom up (so that the exact radius is on the bottom, important to keep the hole perpendicular, or drill more than one hole!!. See phot the many nails is I ended up doing more and more diameter measurements, just lower the one needed and tap the others back, should really buy a proper one... The two end holes for pencil when doing an ellipse. Good luck
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