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I am the last person in the world to be labelled as politically correct.... but come on!

Some of the comments here made me squirm with embarrassment.

She can wear what she likes, and if someone thinks that's to get a reaction out of dirty old men, then they probably fall into that category!

There are plenty of men doing similar videos looking "manly", but they don't get criticised.

Maybe some of the people sneering the most just don't like the idea of a young woman who clearly knows what she's doing?

Her looks, shape, age or what she chooses to wear have nothing to do with what she's saying.
Well said
It is strange that there seems to be an inference that somehow the fact that she is attractive makes her less credible.
Would she have more credibility if she looked like Angela Merkel?

To be fair to her, most of her videos don't have a provocative image (although almost every single thumbnail contains a picture of her), and I would guess she is still trying to find a balance between being using looks and being taken seriously. It's pretty much marketing 101. (I realise now that I have actually watched some of her videos in the past as I also build guitars.)

If you compare Stumpynubs video thumbnails you'll notice the difference

More so for example with this youtuber

Click on what you want to click on, but lets not pretend that looks are not part of a marketing strategy to attract more clicks regardless of how skilled or unskilled the person is.
Whilst I have no idea what Jacob actually looks like, I'm guessing he might need more than a bit of lippy and some hot pants 🙂
Jacob really needs no crude modern image-tweek of the sort reportedly employed by them inflooziencers, as his built-in image is probably highly persuasive, one way and another, without any tarting-up. I cranked up my "Wot-they-look-like" software that parses posts then, with a couple of added parameter values, generates the likely appearance of a poster. Unaccountably, it generates something different every time!




I would like to see Jacob do a sharpening video - or one on making a piece of furniture. Perhaps there is an AI somewhere that can parse posts then generate the likely wooden artefacts made by the poster ........ ? :)

Incidentally, if I feed my own posts into the Wot-they-look-like app it gives a pretty good result!

Eshmiel seeks timber.jpg
It suggests guitar's require sharper tools than general work. And those tools have less abuse. She's also using oire nomi which can be a bit brittle unless there carefully handled(but what an edge)on general work. That work is like a shot of polish vodka.. very concentrated and intense.
I find people like this lady fascinating tbh. What is her background and how did she end up in a tree house making guitars? Did she do general woodwork at any point? I'm guessing there's no machinery up in that tree house! Her methods and manner suggest she's highly trained, maybe a luthier school graduate(how elsewould one perfect that art?) Anyone fill in the blanks. She doesn't do anything particularly innovative sharpening wise, but she must achieve great edges!
There's much talk of her talent but also her marketing and cod(to use my granny's phrase) I'm picturing guitar building as being like a religion with maybe 50 luthiers being really top. There's mention it's only her seventh guitar. The £36000 pound figure is bandied about in Every mention. Stateside some of those luthiers must have plenty of time and money in the game. It's unlikely she's producing the absolute best guitars ever made and I'm guessing her 50th guitar won't be worth to much more. But her videos do use her personality to market. It's such an esoteric thing it's hard to really know if she's the best around or just from a wealthy background with plenty wealthy friend clients. That 36000 seems to be what people focus on. Does she have any famous users which I guess is the acid test.
I am the last person in the world to be labelled as politically correct.... but come on!

Some of the comments here made me squirm with embarrassment.

She can wear what she likes, and if someone thinks that's to get a reaction out of dirty old men, then they probably fall into that category!

There are plenty of men doing similar videos looking "manly", but they don't get criticised.

Maybe some of the people sneering the most just don't like the idea of a young woman who clearly knows what she's doing?

Her looks, shape, age or what she chooses to wear have nothing to do with what she's saying.
No, not politically correct, just outdated. Women have always flaunted themselves in one way of another and in various clothing, styles and amounts. And yes, seeing beauty is something most of us men, and some women, admire. The skills that this person displays obviously upsets those who struggle to sharpen a pencil and see a girl, of all people, doing it so professionally, and without the appearance of mysticism...
No, not politically correct, just outdated. Women have always flaunted themselves in one way of another and in various clothing, styles
So have blokes. Huge moustaches, tattoos, tight clothes, etc. :ROFLMAO: Not me personally I hasten to add. Just a sexy little beard, bald head and glasses.
and amounts.
amounts of what? :unsure:
And yes, seeing beauty is something most of us men, and some women, admire. The skills that this person displays obviously upsets those who struggle to sharpen a pencil and see a girl, of all people, doing it so professionally, and without the appearance of mysticism...
Seems to worry people seeing a girl doing something quite ordinary. Men do knitting too, you know!
So have blokes. Huge moustaches, tattoos, tight clothes, etc. :ROFLMAO: Not me personally I hasten to add. Just a sexy little beard, bald head and glasses.

amounts of what? :unsure:

Seems to worry people seeing a girl doing something quite ordinary. Men do knitting too, you know!
Girl? Ain't that a full-grown and very competent woman in the vid? Does wearing a sleeveless top count as "flaunting" to those with, er, scruples? Are we going Full Victorian on the matter? Personally I prefer the "rational dressing" approach for all genders. It might beg the question: what's rational ........ ....... .

I know! - dungarees for everyone - the ones with loadsa pockets for tools, straps to keep them up but wearable sleeveless when its hot. Or would even that be unscrupulous and an awful flaunt (especially on crumbling ole blokes, even though its arguable whether such have owt worth flaunting)? I may don mine and post a pic. But perhaps not. :)
I'm split on this one. She seems to be very talented and skillful, but I can't help feeling that she also knows that she'll get a bigger following on YouTube if she wears strappy tops. You can see it all over YouTube (and probably the other platforms that I have so far steered clear of), girls playing the acoustic guitar in revealing clothing, using chainsaws, making fire... On the other hand, it's her decision, no one's forcing her to do stuff, so maybe it's just me being a sad old fart.
I guess it's nothing new - advertising has traditionally featured attractive women as irrelevant window dressing
The big problem for me is that I'd quite like to watch the videos of her guitar making, but I'd worry that my wife would catch me!
I generally avoid any woodworking/diy video with a woman in a tight top on the thumbnail. There are plenty of women who know what they are doing who don't need to make it about what they look like, and I have watched their videos and learnt things from them.

I often find it amusing if you look at the amount of views they get. You'll see some old bearded guy video will get 200k views and then there will be some young women in a tanktop stretching across a peice of furniture holding a screwdriver or something, and they have millions of views. Perhaps I'm missing out
Like when my wife asked me to be more helpful in the kitchen and then went mad at me for watching Nigella on TV
Well hold on to your workbenches guys. Maybe she’s also hoping to appeal to women! An intelligent, skilled, articulate and youthful woman might appeal - and encourage - women more than a load of old blokes.
(Of which I’m one I admit.)
I doubt it. In a lot of cases women are more likely to be negative to other women. I remember reading a study a few years back of 20k people across europe. It found women under female bosses were 2x more likely to be bullied than men under female bosses.

I have no problem with women knowing more than me or driving better than me or whatever. I've worked under female CEO's and managers for the past 20 years and it's rare that I'm in a meeting with more men than women.

My only point is, if you want me to watch a video on making a guitar, show me the guitar. I don't need to see what the maker looks like.
A very good point, so the looks are really a distraction from ability otherwise they would concentrate on the task in hand but they have to balance this otherwise it becomes all about the maker and not the task.
You need professional help and counselling if you get distracted from what someone is saying just because they are a young woman wearing the clothes that many young women choose to wear.
You need professional help and counselling if you get distracted from what someone is saying just because they are a young woman wearing the clothes that many young women choose to wear.
If I worked with you and I came into work wearing a Justin Hawkins catsuit open down to just below my belly button, you wouldn't be distracted?
View attachment 198819

[In hindsight I've removed this pic as I don't wish to publically shame Daisy to make my point, as that is not my intention]

Companies spend billions on marketing using models (male and female). If you think people who are distracted or drawn to things marketed by scantily clad people, need counselling, then most of the population will be in therapy. Do you think people are watching Love island for the sparkling conversation?

It's marketing and sex sells!

Apologies though as this has really gone off topic.
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I wonder if she reads these forums? :unsure:

My only point is, if you want me to watch a video on making a guitar, show me the guitar. I don't need to see what the maker looks like.


I have nothing against Daisy, and as I've said most of her videos don't appear to use this tactic. I guess she was just trying it out with this thumbnail.

Doesn't matter if the rest of her videos use it or not, the video under discussion is the one that matters, and this one has a clickbait thumbnail (and content), simple as.

Waay too many posts in this thread about "She can wear what she wants" etc, kinda smacks of a desperation to appear woke, when in reality the term Woke has long since lost it's true meaning.
If I worked with you and I came into work wearing a Justin Hawkins catsuit open down to just below my belly button, you wouldn't be distracted?
View attachment 198819

[In hindsight I've removed this pic as I don't wish to publically shame Daisy to make my point, as that is not my intention]

Companies spend billions on marketing using models (male and female). If you think people who are distracted or drawn to things marketed by scantily clad people, need counselling, then most of the population will be in therapy. Do you think people are watching Love island for the sparkling conversation?

It's marketing and sex sells!

Apologies though as this has really gone off topic.
You seem to be getting rather excited about a bare arm or two. I would recommend bromide in yer teacup ..... but it doesn't work. :)
Bringing it back to the video in question. Whether she knows how to sharpen or not, the video is significantly worse than paul sellers videos on sharpening for example. In Pauls video on sharpening the focus is firmly on what he is doing and the tool and sharpening technique is in focus. In daisy's video she is talking and moving her arms but the thing being sharpened is often out of shot! Whether they are male or female, if you aren't actually showing me how to do the thing you said you would show me how to do, then you've just wasted my time.