New Bergerac

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stuart little

Established Member
17 Apr 2021
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Any comments on this 'New' woke-edition? I for one am, I found it 'racist' against Caucasians, with SO many non-Caucasian police officers in such a confine on Jersey. Some reviews said the series is 'dark' - I know what that means now. I saw more non-white officers in one episode than I've ever seen in the West Mercia! How can the producers expect us to accept the credibility of the production? It needs a reverse 'trigger warning', as I took offence! The music was so loud, more like that at a 'rave', making dialogue difficult to hear. One episode was one too many, so I for one, won't be watching any more. Oh, as for the characters, not at all impressed, especially Crozier (very annoying), & where did Molony spring from - never 'eard of 'im. Charley Hungerford having a 'gender swap'????/??

PS. No offence intended, but it does help when life as it is, is portrayed realistically - but then again it's become a 'Nanny-State'. I am NOT racist, BUT, I believe it should work BOTH ways.
PS. No offence intended, but it does help when life as it is, is portrayed realistically - but then again it's become a 'Nanny-State'. I am NOT racist, BUT, I believe it should work BOTH ways.
Ha ha - I do enjoy it when one reveals all by protesting what "I'm not ...". But I detect that you may prefer a different reality from that traditional in Britain - perhaps one akin to that of the mad place over the Atlantic? Survival of the fittest (at exploiting others without limit)! Are you fit enough? :)

You seem, though, to be at least a racialist. This is defined as someone who believes that the concept of human racial differences is valid - not necessarily that some of the so-called races are inferior, necessarily .... but that's often tagged on, since its a primary driver of the notion of racialism in the first place. Why does it matter to you what skin colour appears on actors? Must we also ensure that certain nose shapes or ratios between trunk length and leg length are reflective of some median or other? Are eye colours important?

"Nanny state". Where would we all be without that nanny, eh? Us Boomers would likely be dead of being a child, a not unusual outcome for the bairns born before the welfare state in Blighty. Even the survivors tended to get minced as cannon fodder or industrial-process wastage instead.

Perhaps you should have your local police, roads, NHS et al denied you to see how well you do without nanny in attendance? Sadly, this condition seems to be slowly being foisted on all of us. Nanny has been forcibly retired, it seems. Let's hope there's no burglars or illness about to mug you. Or me!
Ha ha - I do enjoy it when one reveals all by protesting what "I'm not ...". But I detect that you may prefer a different reality from that traditional in Britain - perhaps one akin to that of the mad place over the Atlantic? Survival of the fittest (at exploiting others without limit)! Are you fit enough? :)

You seem, though, to be at least a racialist. This is defined as someone who believes that the concept of human racial differences is valid - not necessarily that some of the so-called races are inferior, necessarily .... but that's often tagged on, since its a primary driver of the notion of racialism in the first place. Why does it matter to you what skin colour appears on actors? Must we also ensure that certain nose shapes or ratios between trunk length and leg length are reflective of some median or other? Are eye colours important?

"Nanny state". Where would we all be without that nanny, eh? Us Boomers would likely be dead of being a child, a not unusual outcome for the bairns born before the welfare state in Blighty. Even the survivors tended to get minced as cannon fodder or industrial-process wastage instead.

Perhaps you should have your local police, roads, NHS et al denied you to see how well you do without nanny in attendance? Sadly, this condition seems to be slowly being foisted on all of us. Nanny has been forcibly retired, it seems. Let's hope there's no burglars or illness about to mug you. Or me!
Not in the view I intended it to sound. It's the way that 'equality' (which I'm in favour of) is, as in this case, very OTT. (IMHO)
I was just commenting, that for the State of Jersey to have so many non-caucasian polis officers in one station is highly improbable. Unless a boat load of illegals landed on their shores & all got recruted!! 🤣
I think when one watches a series it is obviously make believe - a fiction. For one to be drawn into this fiction and continue to watch, things have to be plausible, at least within the context of the story.
Apart from productions, that are pure fantasy, one has to be convinced that the story being told could actually be real. Otherwise people will just disengage, and lose interest.
I think when one watches a series it is obviously make believe - a fiction. For one to be drawn into this fiction and continue to watch, things have to be plausible, at least within the context of the story.
Apart from productions, that are pure fantasy, one has to be convinced that the story being told could actually be real. Otherwise people will just disengage, and lose interest.
Exactly, your last sentence sums up my comments as I intended(y)(y)
I watched it, didn't particuarly strike me as overly woke, I don't really remember the original, I do remember charlie being male in the original and I definately remember the original arrangement of the theme tune being much better. If i was more familiar with the original the changes would probably have stood out more. I do always wonder why bother remaking a show / film / book whatever and then make extensive changes, why not write something entirely new?
I think when one watches a series it is obviously make believe - a fiction. For one to be drawn into this fiction and continue to watch, things have to be plausible, at least within the context of the story.
Apart from productions, that are pure fantasy, one has to be convinced that the story being told could actually be real. Otherwise people will just disengage, and lose interest.
Something of a contradiction in that, though - its fiction and make believe but it has to be "realistic". I suppose it depends on the type of fiction. Some fictions aim to be not-fictional in their context but fictional only in their story. A TV detective play might be one of those. Science fiction, on the other hand ......

So, what counts as "unrealistic". Is it "anything not the current status quo" or is it rather, "things that are impossible".

Is it impossible for characters in a fiction set in Jersey for a number of them to have dark skin colours? No. Why does it matter, then? Because racialists (including a portion of them that are also racist) say that they prefer the status quo. Why do they prefer the status quo? We can guess.

Perhaps, then, to please the sensibilities of "realists", every aspect of the context of a play or other fiction should be measured, gauged, judged and otherwise examined to ensure that various "realism" parameters are met. These parameters might include skin colour but if such an inconsequential human attribute is counted and rationed, we should do the same for a whole long list of other human features, should we not? Height and weight. Hair colour and whether its straight, curly, wavy, thinning, profuse or dyed. Ratio of waist to chest measurement. Accent or lack of it. Gender. Political persuasion. Religion. A long list of genetically determined conditions such as the propensity to develop certain illnesses. Age.

Would any dramas ever get aired? The "realism" committee could be at it for years! By the time they'd reached the appropriate counts of character characteristics, the status quo will have changed and they'll have to do it all again!

Alternatively, try unseeing the skin colour.
I suppose it depends on what one understands by fiction. If I am being told a tall story for entertainment I wish to be lied to convincingly. If I feel I am not being convinced I cannot therefore enjoy what I am watching unless of course the story begins with "Once upon a time".
I suppose it depends on what one understands by fiction. If I am being told a tall story for entertainment I wish to be lied to convincingly. If I feel I am not being convinced I cannot therefore enjoy what I am watching unless of course the story begins with "Once upon a time".
Or ‘ here is a party political broadcast on behalf of the…,..,..’

Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Is it impossible for characters in a fiction set in Jersey for a number of them to have dark skin colours? No. Why does it matter, then? Because racialists (including a portion of them that are also racist) say that they prefer the status quo. Why do they prefer the status quo?
I don't know what the problem is.
I like works of fiction to be realistic and this includes in its demographics. If the population of Jersey is predominately white then this should be reflected in the film. If it is predominately black, then likewise. Is this so horrendously unreasonable?
Do you want to see a remake of Robin Hood-Prince of Thieves with a mainly Chinese cast? I don't, and neither do I want to see a Chinese dráma filmed with european actors, either.
Hope this doesn't offend anyone's delicate sensibilities.
I don't know what the problem is.
I like works of fiction to be realistic and this includes in its demographics. If the population of Jersey is predominately white then this should be reflected in the film. If it is predominately black, then likewise. Is this so horrendously unreasonable?
Do you want to see a remake of Robin Hood-Prince of Thieves with a mainly Chinese cast? I don't, and neither do I want to see a Chinese dráma filmed with european actors, either.
Hope this doesn't offend anyone's delicate sensibilities.
It’s all about funding. If you want funding for a production it has to include a significant number of minorities whether or not it’s an accurate representation of society. Don’t expect it to include Chinese actors though because they don’t seem to count. I’d like to see Tom Cruise in the staring role of the life of Nelson Mandela because I’m sure he would do a magnificent job, but I can’t see that happening somehow …
It’s all about funding. If you want funding for a production it has to include a significant number of minorities whether or not it’s an accurate representation of society.
This is unbelievable. We don't have any use for a tv and this concept in made-for-television is something new to us. So you are saying that integrity to an author's work plays second fiddle to some sort of gender/racial ideal of fairness? Is this what 'woke' means? I am not familiar with the full meaning of the term but now I'm a bit worried about my preferred reading material - The Collected Works of Shakespeare. He doesn't hold back in the slightest and I fear that my favorite book may end up on the naughty list.
From Richard 3rd. Lady Anne slagging off the king for being disabled - 'thou lump of foul deformity.'
From As You Like It. A couple of fellows talking about a girl - 'no longer head to foot than hip to hip. As spherical as the globe and countries could be found in her.' And one asks where in her Ireland might be found, and the other replies ' in her buttocks from the bogginess of it'
And promoting violence from the same play - 'methink'st thou art a general offense, and every man should beat thee.'
Yep. Should be banned for sure!
Not in the view I intended it to sound. It's the way that 'equality' (which I'm in favour of) is, as in this case, very OTT. (IMHO)
I was just commenting, that for the State of Jersey to have so many non-caucasian polis officers in one station is highly improbable. Unless a boat load of illegals landed on their shores & all got recruted!! 🤣
Nor was it taken that way by me. I understood that the ibalance of actors in some programmes are unnecessarily skered towards over-diversity. I stopped watching Doctor Who, which I've watched from episode 1, for that very reason, and I've read that it may soon end completely. I think it's not just me.
Other historical dramas, too, suffer the same way with coloured actors, whose parts would have have been exclusively white in reality. Of course, to mention it is to draw the wokeists attention and cry foul.
Something of a contradiction in that, though - its fiction and make believe but it has to be "realistic". I suppose it depends on the type of fiction. Some fictions aim to be not-fictional in their context but fictional only in their story. A TV detective play might be one of those. Science fiction, on the other hand ......

So, what counts as "unrealistic". Is it "anything not the current status quo" or is it rather, "things that are impossible".

Is it impossible for characters in a fiction set in Jersey for a number of them to have dark skin colours? No. Why does it matter, then? Because racialists (including a portion of them that are also racist) say that they prefer the status quo. Why do they prefer the status quo? We can guess.

Perhaps, then, to please the sensibilities of "realists", every aspect of the context of a play or other fiction should be measured, gauged, judged and otherwise examined to ensure that various "realism" parameters are met. These parameters might include skin colour but if such an inconsequential human attribute is counted and rationed, we should do the same for a whole long list of other human features, should we not? Height and weight. Hair colour and whether its straight, curly, wavy, thinning, profuse or dyed. Ratio of waist to chest measurement. Accent or lack of it. Gender. Political persuasion. Religion. A long list of genetically determined conditions such as the propensity to develop certain illnesses. Age.

Would any dramas ever get aired? The "realism" committee could be at it for years! By the time they'd reached the appropriate counts of character characteristics, the status quo will have changed and they'll have to do it all again!

Alternatively, try unseeing the skin colour.
No contradiction there at all. Although an imbalance of coloured actors is possible , it is not based on reality. The program, originally mentioned, has never have that balance so it cheats to salve the wokeist pressure, and thus make the who scenario unbelievable, and unwatchable. Once a programme reaches that level, it rapidly loses attention.
I don't know what the problem is.
I like works of fiction to be realistic and this includes in its demographics. If the population of Jersey is predominately white then this should be reflected in the film. If it is predominately black, then likewise. Is this so horrendously unreasonable?
Do you want to see a remake of Robin Hood-Prince of Thieves with a mainly Chinese cast? I don't, and neither do I want to see a Chinese dráma filmed with european actors, either.
Hope this doesn't offend anyone's delicate sensibilities.
It’s worth considering that part of the reason may be to inspire people to become that which is represented?

A black person could decide that they can become a police officer in jersey because they’ve seen it rather than it being the white boys club.

Losing interest because of the colour of the actors skin or their gender?
Neither, the programme just didn't 'gel' right with me! In fact, I have a life-long pal, since primary school, who is of 'mixed race', no problems ever arose until he immigrated to 'Oz', then he moved on to NZ, where he met & married a Maori girl. They often paid visits to 'the old country'.
In contrast to Bergerac, I've just watched 'The One That Got Away' on BBC4, set in West Wales, bigger police force, including mixed race, but a realistic percentage, as one would expect in Wales.

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