Had chance to give these chisels a workout this afternoon.
First off, a shot of them with some comparison models that I already own.
A pig sticker on the left from a car boot sale. Proven itself a few times now. This has a very oval handle (hence oval bolster mortice chisel) and my first impressions on the Narex handles were yuck! Especially the newer
I had a piece of oak I had been using to test my bench morticer on the other day so began a test. First my OBMC. This makes pretty short work of the mortice and usually leaves a good clean mortice wall. It cuts pretty fast as is well balanced. I took the gauge markings from the narex which are slightly narrower (metric) so the edges are a bit hairy. The OBMC is very manoverable with its shape and I feared the Narex would not be. The OBMC is also more trapezoid in shape.
Moving onto the
8112 mortice chisel.
It feels much lighter than my OBMC but is well sharpened and honed. I like the handle. It sits well in my hands, which are on the small side. And........ it works! Cuts very fast and leaves a straight and clean finish. It is very manoverable too. Feels great.
The 8882 I was jubious about. Specifically the handle. It is very long, but light and would appear far too big for my hands. However, in use it is very effective and put to bed any ideas I had about its design. Again, cuts fast, clean and is manvouverable.
My OMBC needed a fair amount of work to get it usable (and less rusty) but was cheap. The handle had a split and needed binding. Will prob need replacing in the future.
The Narex are clean, sharp and very usable. The lightness isnt a problem. Personally I prefer the handle on the 8112. Works better for my size hands.
I have to shoot out now and will finish the review when I get back. Nans 80th birthday party!!!
I consider myself an enthusiastic hobby woodworker so make of my opinions what you will. I hope this review helps anyones decision making.