Established Member
So I'm taking a break as such from the workshop to build some decking in the garden. After day 1 all the joists and laid it rains for most of the day on day 2 so all I manage to do is install noggins. Day 3 All the deck boards go on but on day 4 I'm busy on the morning and go out to start at about 1.30. I hammer 16 150 mm nails in 20mins and pop into the garage to cut something to length when this car pulls up. This heavily pregnant woman gets out and walks up the drive. I was just thinking that the wife must have been ordering from the Avon catalogue or something when this woman goes off on one. Effing and blinding about "4 days of non stop banging" moan moan etc etc and says something about her kid takes a 2 hour nap in the afternoons anytime between 1 and 4pm. Apparently she lives in the house out the back. Not being desperately prepared for this I agree to down tools and start again after 4pm. 4 o'clock comes and it's chucking it down. Speaking to neighbours in the street, they say I'm mad and should have made a careful selection from a limited number of words of the four letter variety and ended the sentence with 'off'! Personally I'm not so sure you see this womoans (not a spelling error!) house is directly behind my garage and I guess of all the houses around me, she would hear noise from the workshop the most. Her complaint wasn't strictly about the workshop or power tool noise but you could visibly see her face getting redder as she looked around the garage. Basically I can see what's coming next. Now I only work in the workshop between 9 and 5 as I work shifts so am able to do this and all the machines have induction motors and within reason are the quietest available/I can afford. So what do I do? Lay low for a week or so and then limit working in the garage from 9 till lunch and then just work the last hour 4 till 5? Or carry on and wait for her to come back round and give her some verbal?