Non-Slip Strip Inlays

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2 Jun 2019
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Merry Christmas! We have a bridge over a small river. The bridge is douglas fir and is often very slippery for walking over. Today on a walk we came across a walkway made of decking boards which, although wet and green, were not slippery at all due to the inlaid non-slip strips. Any idea where you can get these? I don’t want self adhesive strips as they won’t withstand vehicle traffic to the house sand thrown on paint means painting the bridge which I don’t want (just pre-empting all the alternative suggestions!). I can use a router to slot the bridge boards in place but can’t find suitable inlay strips. Thanks. John
There used to be a non slip vinyl flooring with a sort of sharp abrasive grit in it that might do the trick cut into strip, Otherwise Anti Slip GRP Decking Strips, is the search term you need.
I remember building a footbridge for a property and their solution for their old bridge had been to cover it in heavy gauge chicken wire.
I have seen a polished wood stair made safe with a routered groove near the front of each step. Just how that would work with water trapped in it outdoors?
Plus 1 for the chicken wire.
Chicken wire is what the environment agency used when they installed walkways over the water meadows near us, dogs seems happy enough with it too.
Some of our local paths have timber walkways over wetland areas with chicken wire over. It does work, but with regular traffic it degrades and rusts, gets scuffed and bits pull up. Major trip hazard if not maintained. Maybe not a problem if you are the only one using it, but for public access worth considering.
Thanks for all the replies. Chicken wire works well but is not so easy on the eye! After much searching I have found non-slip inlay strips (some 50mm wide and some 10mm) which can be installed in routered slots. I will only set them across the centre of the bridge so tyres will miss them and they’ll hopefully last longet. Thanks again.
Thanks for all the replies. Chicken wire works well but is not so easy on the eye! After much searching I have found non-slip inlay strips (some 50mm wide and some 10mm) which can be installed in routered slots. I will only set them across the centre of the bridge so tyres will miss them and they’ll hopefully last longet. Thanks again.
Hi, I'm interested in your post, I will be looking for similar inlay strips in the near future; would you mind posting a link please?
50mm Wide Non-Slip Anti-Skid Decking Strips Safestrip 25
Slipsaway say you can saw the 50mm strips into narrower strips using a bandsaw.


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If you’ve got old unused asphalt roof, you could cut into strips and lay it in grooves for a bit of grippiness.
Hi, yes, that's what I'd like too, retrofitted and routered in.... isn't that the same as the Safestrip 25?
Same idea but the Safestrips are 25mm wide whereas I guess these are c.10mm?
I think I will go down the Safestrip route though.