Mid-life crisis


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Established Member
24 Aug 2008
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Essex/ Suffolk border
Anyone had one?

Our children have left home in the last few months, and I am sick to the back teeth of sitting drawing on the computer all day. We had a long "where are we going in life" discussion last night after having touched on the subject over the last 6 months, and selling up to buy a small-holding (with lots of outbuildings!!!!) and a "project" house seems the current favourite.

So, watch out for developments, and be prepared to see "WIP-new workshop/ chicken shed/ glazed thermal-store" photos.......oh, and to hear all about a Land's End to John O'Groats cycle ride. Mid-life crisis? Who said that?

As i get older i realise how important physical health is, ideas and projects that remind you of a younger time in your life are great but how long can you sustain them. I think you also need a plan 'B' .
Me i took up motor cycling and no plan 'B' so thats the opposite to the above.
I jump in my Audi TT and drive for a hundred miles and feel a lot better. I know it is not green, but the law says I can still drive for pleasure.
matt":3bk57c2f said:
When you described crisis I thought you'd bought a lathe... :)
Brilliant, Matt :lol:

Mike - go for it! You only live once - and if the Missus is up for it too?
Bets regards
Philly :D
I predict my mid life crisis to be boats. Not sure why, I have only a vague, mild interest in them now. But I can see me taking on a boat restoration. Either that or a VW Campervan resto, but I don't think I'll sell the missus on it.

Building houses would be a lottery win for me. Id not do it unless I could have it exactly the way I wanted it.

I think woodworking is going to occupy most of my spare time for the next 20 years or so tho.
I've been thinking along those lines more and more often lately .... and I'm 28!

I look at pics my friends post on facebook of their latest world adventure or how they're loving living in America/Australia etc.. getting paid for doing the sort of thing I'd gladly pay to do....

Don't get me wrong, I'm happily married and own our own house. It's just that I'm in a dead end job which I hate and to just 'up-sticks' and move to adventure land is a very complicated process :( .

I think the key is to look at what you do have, what you have accomplished rather than try and measure yourself against the achievements of others. I've actually had a friend of mine confide in me that she's really envious of my life - she's spent the last 3yrs travelling around the world!
pren":3syssu65 said:
..... and to just 'up-sticks' and move to adventure land is a very complicated process .....

Is it? I can understand if you have children to consider but if it is just the two of you then what is stopping you?

Carpe diem....you could be run over by a bus tomorrow...the number of people I know who have got to 60 and say 'I wish...'?
Depends if the woman in your life wants to upsticks or whether she's happy with her mundane life, spending every weekend a the shopping centre, watching white trash on the TV, etc. You can't force someone else to follow your dream.

I'd love to go to Oz and would happily clean toilets for the privilege, but wifey would never leave her family and friends. So it'll never happen.
wizer":2gbb6nis said:
Depends if the woman in your life wants to upsticks or whether she's happy with her mundane life, spending every weekend a the shopping centre, watching white trash on the TV, etc. You can't force someone else to follow your dream.

I'd love to go to Oz and would happily clean toilets for the privilege, but wifey would never leave her family and friends. So it'll never happen.

Nail + head. :( :lol:
We had the opportunity, when we retired, to move out to France full-time. We decided not to, because it would mean seeing less of friends, losing many regular activities we cherish, and we would miss seeing our children and grandchildren (one so far, one in the pipeline).
Some friends have taken the opposite decision and are touring Europe in a caravan for the next 2 years.
It depends on your priorities.
wizer":eu5axbm8 said:
I'd love to go to Oz and would happily clean toilets for the privilege, but wifey would never leave her family and friends. So it'll never happen.

There is always divorce.... :wink:
Still some way off the full blown crisis, but I'd like to think it would involve Lamborghinis and loud shirts unbuttoned too far. Certainly not a bloody lathe

I'm still sat here waiting in anticipation for Kylie's mid life crisis, happy to help her out :D
Well I thought I'd had mine about 18 years ago. I sold my house, packed in my job and went stateside. Lived in the Mohave desert for 3 months. Sometimes I wish I'd stayed there. But that was when I was involved with the Church. Been there, done that, don't want to do it again, TVM.

And so I'm embarking on my MLC *2 (where the hell is the hash key on a Mac?). I'm applying for jobs all over the country, have signed up to do a brewing course in January (I'm not a big beer drinker, but I want to explore the possibilities of running a micro) and, as I'm going to lose my workshop (much more traumatic than losing the marriage or even the house itself), I'm already planning in my head what my next WS will be like. I went along to The Hotspot in Uttoxeter yesterday to look at wood-burning WS stoves.

I'd love to build my own house, mega-green, small house, huge WS, but I wouldn't know where to start, and whilst I'll come out of this with a little pot of cash, it won't go far in the house-buying world, that's for sure. Not unless I go back to Zambia, but, despite my talents being valued out there, I suspect that the realities of the environment would make it a very different prospect full-time from a two-week trip.

So Mike, if you want a MLC pen-pal, you have my address!


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