Mid-life crisis


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Hey Steve, why don't you build one of those off grid mobile homes like on the other thread? You could be a travelling woodworking Mr Fixit. Solving people's woodworking mysteries. A bit like a cross between the littlest hobo and the A-team. :lol: (perhaps those references show my age?)
wizer":5ctm5igx said:
...A bit like a cross between the littlest hobo and the A-team. :lol: (perhaps those references show my age?)

They don't make TV programs like they used to! Iconic productions with awesome theme tunes to match.
A true MLC for Mike would probably involve the LN, Veritas and Clifton catalogues and a credit card. Boy would he feel dirty after that little splurge

Or maybe just a single Holtey
Believe me, Tom, if I thought that would be viable I'd consider it! I could do anything I want, it's just that what I want to do relies on someone else allowing me to do so, it's not a self-employed option.

Still, the world is my oyster.
Tra, la-la-la,
Tra, lah, la-la-lah,
Tra-lah, la, lah, la-la-lah, la-lah,

Or is that The Great Escape?........
It's not a crisis Mike, it's a realisation that there is more to life than just living.
With my wife's agreement when my kids reached a certain age we told them that we were downsizing, getting shot of our mortgage and moving to Wales. We gave them the choice of moving with us or not, but we were off!
We had an 18C ex coaching Inn, I had a good job, my wife ran her own business, I owned and ran half a dozen motorbikes, and we walked away!
Life has been one long holiday ever since!
Go for it mate!

Hey, I leave you chaps alone for five minutes and we're suddenly at the end of page 2!! This must have struck a chord.


you are, of course, spot on. This isn't a crisis at all.......it is simply a realisation that the course of the last 10 years must change. I have changed careers a couple of times before (at least), so this is nothing new to me or us, and it is something we welcome rather than worry about.

Steve, I have thought about moving to Africa. I guess there is something of the "retiring to the seaside" about that, though........the key problem would be leaving all our friends and family behind. No, whatever we do will allow for lots of time in Africa, but not to move there permanently. Plus, I have a nice little invention coming along, which is aimed at Africa....


you are incorrigible! :D . I tell you what, when we have established our little life in the woods, you can come along and play with my pole-lathe! As for all the fancy ironmongery you mention, don't forget that I made a substantial investment in quality British plane technology some years back, and I am still getting my value for money from it.

When our grandparents migrated to the 'colonies' Mike they said goodbye to all that was family. With modern communications we can now stay in touch with all we wish.
And I agree, changing isn't something to be afraid of, it's a new and exciting challenge, many see retirement as the end of the road, it isn't!
Retirement is living how you want it to be.

wizer":kwah3nzp said:
I predict my mid life crisis to be boats. Not sure why, I have only a vague, mild interest in them now. But I can see me taking on a boat restoration. Either that or a VW Campervan resto, but I don't think I'll sell the missus on it.

Building houses would be a lottery win for me. Id not do it unless I could have it exactly the way I wanted it.

I think woodworking is going to occupy most of my spare time for the next 20 years or so tho.

Tom I did a full campervan resto it gave me a mid life crisis :shock: . I estimated it would take 3 months it took over a year. You learn how to mig weld, how to cope when hot weld goes in your ear boiling wax sounds strange, how to put out a fire on your chest, how to spray and how to remove the paint and overspray from your house, how to cope when an angle grinder drops into your crutch at full speed, how to tell the doctor what happened without sounding like a total ., and finally how to spend a lot of money, never again, it was for my daughter, drove well though.
Thanks Pete, I laughed me ass off at that. :lol: I absolutely love the way they look when they are fully restored\modified. But I'd only do it if I could devote all my time to it and the budget was somewhat limitless. i.e there'd be no cutting corners because of budgetary restrictions. Hence doing it later in life when I've won the lottery or found a decent blackmail scam. Although the temptation, once complete, to jump in it and never come back might be overwhelming. :D

When I was at school I also fancied restoring a mini, but seeing as I literally can't fit in them, let alone drive them, it's a non-starter (so to speak).
Mike Garnham":392dmm84 said:
Plus, I have a nice little invention coming along, which is aimed at Africa....

Mike I tend to think that Africa does not need a cricket bat shaped rocket aiming at it. I really don't think it's the right way to solve their problems!
Woah! My MLC turned me into a carpenter/handyman - did I do wrong?? Nobody told me there were hot motor-bikes and scary 25 year-olds available; no wait, that's the wrong way round... ;)

Steve Maskery":q7vojbyv said:
....where the hell is the hash key on a Mac?

'alt+3" together = #

Cheers, Pete.